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Old 14-07-2008, 21:37   #20
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Re: Ice cream van music

Originally Posted by MikeSz View Post
I had thought of that, though I decided that I didnt actually want anyone to know that I was unhinged - which is what would happen if I had to ask such a question. I also considered the possibility that the driver may simply not know, look at me funny and then id have to buy an ice-cream to escape the 'theres a moron at my ice-cream van' tension.
Asking a question doesn’t show people that you are unhinged. It does, however, show that you are interested in the subject to find out more and not, like some people, pretend that they know everything.

I ask questions all the time even to the point of being ridiculed because I don’t know something that someone reckons I should know.
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