Thread: Anyone Excited?
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Old 23-07-2008, 20:51   #40
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Re: Anyone Excited?

TM has it right, football isn't a choice for many - it's a way of life, a rite of passage. Its something you just do. There are times in life (like this season for me) when you just can't make it. But like a comfy pair of shoes you know you'll soon be there again.

The results become irrelevant.

How low did we feel when we got relegated for the first time ever back in 97 (?)
... and who would have thought then that we would have three promotions within six years? Football ebbs and flows and you have to take each ebb knowing that you have had your flow or are due for a flow. We've had more flow than ebb so I'm relatively happy. Constant progress is a ridiculous expectation.

But in saying all that I do concede that people are maybe not enjoying the experience as much as possible and that progress can be made in many ways other than that of the playing staff and final league standings. That is where Stanley can improve massively - and most of that improvement can be done for free.
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