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Old 07-08-2008, 16:09   #1
Senior Member

Is it summat in the water...???

....or is Accy web changing?

May just be me being overly sensitive (ie hormonal lol), but Accy web seems to be changing from a friendly site, with harmless bantering and chat, to posts that I find close to offensive, or just not what I want to read.

From shooting cats and chavs, swearing and just the overall tone of some posts,things just appear to be canging for the worst.

And yes I know, before someone else happily points out, I dont have to read or participate or log on. Fact is I used to love coming on the forum, wouldnt have any concerns of what I was about to read and so on.

And this isnt a dig at the mods, they do a great job at trying to keep everyone happy, more the lack or thought behind some peoples posts. Yes they may be sticking 'loosely' to the guidelines, but not what maybe used to be a good environment?

As I say, may just be me...
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