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Old 14-08-2008, 17:59   #55
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least

Originally Posted by fibi View Post
I had the contraceptive implant and it did not agree with me at all, my daughter has tried the injection and that didn't do her any favours, as for STD or STI's as they are now known it has been reported that these are extremely high in people of 50 plus at the moment due to the fact that they are coming out of long term relationships and playing the field so to speak, so its not just the young who need educating about the risk of STI's
My point in highlighting the risk of STD/STI was that, through a non barrier contraception being used for these young girls....who perhaps then feel they are protected from unwanted pregnancy, they may find that in later life they are sterile because of their 'unsafe' sexual activity.
I am aware that STD/STIs are now common in the older age you pointed out.....but it really isn't going to affect their ability to procreate.

Many contraceptive agents do not agree with women.... they just have to keep on trying to find one that agrees with their own body chemistry.
All methods of contraception have failure rates(female sterilization has a failure rate of 1 in 3)...but by far the biggest failure is that people fail to use contraception.
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