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Old 22-09-2008, 22:14   #8
Apprentice Geriatric
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Unhappy Re: Lollipop Men And Women

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Yours is ok, he does however stop the cars for just one child when you can see another not far away. I have seen terrible jams outside the school and instead of holding the kids back for 2 minutes so the cars/buses can sort themselves out he keeps stopping them.

In short he is usually ok but can sometimes be a menace
How is a lollipop person to know that a kid not far away will be wanting to cross the road at that point?

Most lollipop people are responsible people who will make a judgement whether to wait for more kids to arrive or send just the one or two across safely.

The real problem is with some motorists. Cocooned in their steel box they think that they have right of way come what may.

Contrary to some reports by irate motorists the lollipop people do not jump out in front of the traffic waving their lollipop. The one’s that I have seen wait until there is a bit of a gap in the traffic flow and then poke the lollipop into the road signifying that the next car should stop. Then s/he steps out into the road. Even if that one does stop the traffic on the other side of the road carries on roaring through.
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