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Old 12-11-2008, 16:02   #120
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson....Another Celeb Loose Lips.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
It's censored before it's even broadcast, as is explained here in an interview with the programme's writers. Otherwise the B.B.C. would spend all our licence fees paying damages awarded by a court of law.

Some of the best jokes on the show must make the lawyers sweat! Do they cut much?

Dave Cohen: Among its many achievements, HIGNFY has re-defined the rules for what you can and cannot get away with. They sailed so close to the wind for so long without getting sued thanks to a team of lawyers who believed in what the show was trying to achieve.

Colin Swash: A Hat Trick lawyer and a BBC lawyer read script before the recording so some jokes get cut or fought over then. Straight after the show the producer goes to the lawyers and says "no problems there eh?" Every so often the lawyers will say "we'll talk tomorrow" - then they'll see the first edit, and barter from there.

Have I Got News For You - The HIGNFY Writing Team Interview - British Comedy Guide
Thanks for that Rindi, very interesting for sure
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