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Old 03-01-2009, 11:19   #6
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Re: Tony Blair mid-east Peace envoy missing in action

There is a bunch of rent a gobs claiming to represent the palestinians are mouthing of about what Israel is doing to the people they"claim" to represent. Yet these same people dont seem to be gobbing off about the narrow minded people that are launching the rockets. It was the minority that dont seem to be under command, though they are supposed to be that kicked off this latest mess. Again the innocent are paying the price for the actions of a group brain washed arrogant ignorent narrow minded selfish pig headed creeps.

They say that they are protecting their people yet its this so called "protection" that has started this fiasco and brought about the Israeli response. If Isreal walks in, well drives in in tanks these people will be ranting and raving for a full uprising. It is as though the only way that the people in power in the Strip and West Bank is to provoke The isreali's then claim they will protect them. Its as though they believe that a war is good for your standing and improves their power base. They could get their butts kicked and still be in power by claiming they did what they could to protect the populace.

Thing is though these militants will hide among the civillians and use them as a human shield knowing that the international community would be unhappy. It is almost as though These militants are taunting the international community and in a perverse way enjoying it. It looks like they are shoving the international sign of distain up in the face of the world. Sadly the world hasnt got a clue or the bottle to something about this mess. This will go on and on and on.

Isreal will not fall or fail but the countries that helped create Isreal in 1948 must have known that when the country came into existance there would be trouble. Either that or these countries were more short sighted than Mr Magoo.

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