Thread: Joke Of The Day
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Old 03-07-2004, 16:20   #625
sarnie boy
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Re: Joke Of The Day

Heres one 4 u

A loud pounding on the door at 3 in the morning wakens a man and his wife.
The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger is standing in the pouring
rain asking for a push.

'Not a chance', says the man , 'its 3 in the morning' He slams the door and returns to bed.

'Who was that?' , asked his wife.

'Just some drunk asking for a push' he answers.

'Did you help him?' she asks

'No, I did not', he replies, 'its 3 in the morning'.

She remonstrates with him reminding him when two men helped them push their car.

'Go and help him', she orders.

The man gets dressed , goes downstairs into the pouring of rain.

'Are you there ?' he shouts out into the darkness and rain.

'Yes' comes back the answer

'Do you still need a push?' calls out the husband

'Yes please' comes the reply.

'Where are you? shouts the husband

'Im on the swing' replies the drunk

God Bless the Drunk
life is loud protect yourself
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