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Old 08-04-2009, 14:01   #16
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Re: Police assault @ G20 protest leads to death

A Boeing says, we are hearing a one sided view. The British press are renowned for witch hunts and this looks just like one to me.

1) he was 'ambling' down a street that Police in full riot gear were trying to clear after being hit with bottles and other missiles. as he was a local papaer seller you can't tell me he 'stumbled' upon an area of these protests? could/should he have taken an alternative route, I certainly would have.

2) you don't know if he was told to move or clear the area .

3) tensions were already running high and this guy seems oblivious to anything thats going on, was he taking the pee or genuinely oblivious(how based on the events that day)

4) In the Police view they have to do a job that isn't easy against a crowd of people seen to be causing violent outbursts.

what would your split second decision be? shove him away out of the way or hold up and be all prissy with him?

No ones mentioned the Police when trying to assist him being pelted with bottles etc?

It was a highly charged environment, is one person being pushed such a big deal? if he hadn't had a heart attack( which I doubt anyone on here can attribute to the events of that video) no one would care two hoots, as it is there is now this wonderful witch hunt for this Policeman and against teh Police themselves.

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