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Old 13-05-2009, 10:12   #1
Resting in Peace
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Where do you keep yours

Was watching BBC Breaky this morning and they had an item on about where to keep food so it lasts longer before you munch it, I was surprised at some of the things.
Apples in the fridge not the fruit bowl, last 14 days longer
Eggs in a cool place not the fridge and store pointed end down
Bananas hung up away from other fruit
Bananas next to other fruit will help ripen them
Tomatoes in a cool place not the fridge, will last longer and taste better
Cheese in a cool place not the fridge
just another a few other things that surprised me, don't put lemons in the fridge, they make everything smell of melon, If you open the jam jar and the jam has fungus on it, don't throw it away, just scrape the fungus of (a chef said that) put peppers an onions in the freezer, they keep a long time and are very easy to cut up. Have you any other tips on food storage
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