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Old 05-07-2009, 10:46   #13
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Re: Bye-election in Ossy

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
The reason I just used Clayton Woman kate is simple, during an election campaign I will never ever use an opposition candidates name never have ever will, in letters leaflet or even now on sites like this, which didn't exist when I was active, why publicise your opponents name, people don't remember whats written on leaflets or in letters, but they do remember names. I can remember the chap who printed our leaflets in the 80s early 90s always telling me, a political leaflet is only as good as it takes to read between the front door and the Dust Bin, people DO remember names
Jaysay my sweetie .... did realise what you were up to .. not that naive..
I know, 'Woman' is PC, however, has that undertone of insult. On the Clayton abode .. we have covered this before, and shown that many Tory councillors live out of their ward .. (the current Tory Mayor as an example).

Didn't quite realise how old Dorothy was and I have myself pontificated about politicians being over a certain age .. only M.P's though, not locally. She appears to still have a very astute and active mind.

Can't find any info. on Judith Addison ... she is no spring chicken looking at the odd 'photo I have found.

Anyway not my bye-election but, if it were, probably would consider both candidates, and find out as much as I could about both of them as, like most people, tend to go for the person in local elections.
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