Thread: brown just go.
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Old 05-08-2009, 07:23   #203
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Where has this recssion hurt?..everyday essentials and living standanters have dropped...for anyone that has lost their jobs and now rely on a fixed income their standard of living has taken a battering..but the Tories tell us that we have to make drastic cuts in Nationonal spending... cuts in the NHS.. cuts in benifits..cuts in defence.. and at the same time give extra cash to those earning over £800 per week! according to David Cameron in the future this country will be run like Tesco's and Asda.
Is it really that bad? we have to cut funds to child benifit and the NHS?.. the Tories will go forth with this policy because it is the only option for them...same old cut taxes for the rich and let it dribble down to the working man and women.. it is the only policy they have held since WW2.
Unemployment heading for over 3million, with analysts predicting we could reach 4million and people having their homes repossessed is hurting. Cuts are needed, we have talk of our debt reaching £2.3trillion. I know enormous figures like that just look like a statistic, but it's real money! How else are we going to pay it back? We can't just keep borrowing.
formerly cyfr
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