Thread: European poll.
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Old 01-09-2009, 23:16   #65
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Re: European poll.

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
just for a quite moment I was pondering over the thought that Great Britain was a place of refuge for the oppressed and victimised people in this world..but your post just about kicked any thoughts of another "Great Britain" out the window.

...and if it was your business she'd decided was to be her regular begging pitch, you'd have let her stay?

Stay, as you watched your business go down the pan, because people crossed over the street, rather than pass her, and takings dwindled, and eventually could have closed, resulting in job losses, and lack of revenue for the government which funds the welfare state through taxation?

Stay, as she sent her kids inside robbing you and your customers.

Stay, as her and her brood went to the toilet in the doorway to your business? Nevermind a welcome mat for your customers, here's some fresh Romanian turds to greet you.

More fool you.

Yes I did do battle, chased her, shouting matches, the lot, an eventually I won, but she'd only go and set up her pitch somwhere else, on someone elses doorstep, until the system changes.
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