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Old 11-10-2009, 14:34   #74
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Re: Today's Programme

Doug, I probably wouldn't have done it neither if I am honest. But anyone with a pair of eyes can see how much we have struggled to raise £100k and it is strongly believed that we owe a total of around 7 times this figure.

It is more than probable that ASFC and O'Neil will survive this month and assume that the hard work is over, wrong IMHO.

The club is still nowhere near being self sufficient and O'Neil is not going to put money in to cover the debts. The accounts just published that showed a deficit of a hundred and odd thousand pounds were for 2007-2008 season. The following season I could see no evidence of having turned that figure around plus we had the unpaid Fraser Eagle money (that would have shown on those figures) in addition to further crowd dwindles. It is more than feasible that the figures for 2008-2009 will be show even further losses. Without Eric putting his hand in his own pocket I cant see who will. So 2009-2010, what has changed to make us think that we will not only make up those losses but can move the club forward whilst servicing the debts?

ASSF would have done this.

However, it is more than clear that this will not now happen so we will have to just fade into the background again and be ready to attempt a bail out if and when we find ourselves in this position again.
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