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Old 13-01-2010, 00:52   #7
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Re: Anne Frank Guardian Dies

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
seem to remember reading that parts of the 'book' are written in "ball point" pen
The first person to doubt the diary's authenticity was Harald Nielsen in 1957, writing in a Swedish Nazi magazine, even claiming that Anne Franks had never existed at all.

So those morons who deny the living testimony of those lucky enough to survive the holocaust are nothing new, and perhaps they should watch the film Remembering Anne Franks, for there are her friends interviewed in the film, who knew her before, and whilst being in the camp she died in.

Having watched the film only last night, in which Miep Gies talked about keeping the diary safe, after the Franks were taken east to the concentration camps, and only giving it to Otto Franks when it was discovered that his wife and daughters were dead...I know which side of the debate most people with half a brain would choose, as to the existence of Anne Franks, and the authenticity of her diary.
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