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Old 04-04-2010, 15:45   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Hard Times A-Knockin'

Well here it is Sunday and I had a rat-ta-tat-tatting upon my Plastic door.
I opened it to find a Political Campaigner wishing to secure my vote, I was tempted at first to ask if he had walked down the wrong street after all I know it's daylight but we don't get many Politicians down our way.

Then it was revealed to me that he was with the Labour Candidate Graham Jones.
We passed a few moments discussing the local area his Competition and then we got on to the subject of accyweb, another few amusing moments were passed then graham asked, "and what's your user name?", on replying Less I have never seen anyones colour drain so quickly as he exited stage left.

Actually he showed a great deal of tolerance and steely nerve as without a skip in his conversation he carried on talking to me as if I was a normal human being, thanks for the visit graham, I wonder if the opposition, (if it exists), will likewise grace my doorstep with their presence and be willing to spend time talking about what the area needs and what is required from Government to improve it's lot?

I was reminded of the Beatles song With the line 10,000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire, that's a lot of holes, but you have 43,000 households you hope to visit, that is some quest, still now I'm out of the way, only 42,999 left to go.

Good luck with the rest of your Campaign.

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You close your eyes at night?
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Winnie the Pooh
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