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Old 30-08-2004, 22:40   #36
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Re: What has happened to Britain?

Just to clarify my position on some things!

I have no problem with the actual relationship between America and the UK - it is obviously quite profitable to both parties in any number of ways. I thought I was having a go at Blair - not blaming America for everything that is wrong with England! If I appeared to do otherwise (and I have oft been accused of muddling my meanings!!) - I apologise. I have never visited America, but would love to do so. There are so many places there I would like to see - New york, Texas, New orleans, Vegas, Washington, etc. etc.

In saying that, I have a major disliking of George Dubya - I don't like his methods. He's too slimy, too arrogant, and can't answer questions unless they've been vetted at least 10 times - oh my god - he sounds exactly like Tony B!!!!!!

My main argument against the Iraq invasion (and I agree JohnW, we will never know all the facts surrounding the issue) is that proper channels were not followed. If we had waited for the UN to agree military action against Saddam - which they would surely have done eventually - the invasion would have had international justification. The constant backtracking with regards to why Iraq was invaded - ie. WMD is not so important, Saddam was evil and needed replacing - really riles me. We (and I mean Britain first of all) have no right interfering in the affairs of a country in this way without provocation. I hasten to add that I can understand why America felt the need to strike out in some way, after all 9/11 isn't that long ago.

Anyway, on a lighter note, and moving back towards the centre of this thread, do you remember how you used to visit your mum, and you had to give her 3 rings when you got home, just to let her know you were safe !!!!!!!
Quote - "Women. You can't live with 'em.......... You can't live with 'em." Amen!
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