Thread: Hippodrome
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Old 03-09-2004, 16:58   #21
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Re: Hippodrome

For those of you who have never come across the estimable Miss Phyllis Dixey here is a short biography.

"Phyllis Dixey was Britain's wartime "Queen of Striptease". Her heyday began in 1940 when she took on the lease of the Whitehall Theatre in London. With her legendary "Peek-a-boo" revues she became enormously popular, acquiring a word-of-mouth reputation for sauciness that, in fact, was never quite matched by her performances. The Whitehall played to wartime audiences as packed as those of its rival, the more famous Windmill Theatre. Dixey eventually fell from favour as raunchier competitors began to appear and finally she was made bankrupt. At the time of her early death she was working as a cook."

So famous was she at the time that they even named a Lancaster Bomber after her and painted her image on it.

Name: Phyllis Dixey
Serial No.: LL842
Service History: 50 Sqn VN-F
Fate: Missing In Action 24/25 July 1944 attacking Stuttgart.

They don't make em like that anymore - more's the pity!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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