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Old 11-08-2010, 19:05   #17
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Re: BT AD' You Decide?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
No Less, it isn't to the point at all. You are using an emotive subject to illustrate your point on what is a 'pedestrian' subject....something that will have little effect on people's real lives.

If you didn't like the advert/or approve of the content or the company using it, then why post a thread on it?

And as for you thinking that advertising is all about buying the product, well yes, of course that is a primary aim, but people talking about the advert is a form of advertising in raises the profile of the company...brings it to the attention of more and more people.

The answer to your last question is 'yes', anything to make you smile. You are smiling now aren't you???
Personally, I find the advert a bit tedious. I'm really not that interested in what happens because it isn't real.
A trend I have noticed in some ad campaigns over here, and the BT ad seems like an example of it, is that they are sort of "fill in the blanks" deals. The local hospitals are advertising their fundrasing campaign with the slogan "Together We Can ... " (not even original). "Together We Can ..." what???? Together we can steal a bunch of airplanes and fly them into tall buildings. And the shallow people read the ad and find something profound ... but there is nothing profound about nothing. And here's an ad that really says nothing: the service station two blocks down the road advertises that they are "Family Owned and Operated". Well so is the Mafia for chrissake. I dunno, maybe the copywriters have just run out of ideas.
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