Thread: £2 chickens
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Old 27-08-2010, 21:44   #158
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Re: £2 chickens

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Well, the £2.00 chicken is no more, I went to ASDA today and bought the worlds tiniest chicken ever, in all decency they should have waited until it was completely out of the shell before cooking it, this one cost £3.00.
I didn't enquire about the cost of a normal sized one, I bet this poor soul was brought up under similar conditions to those back in 2008 nothing has changed except the price.
Might have been on a slimline diet and no steriods. They say big things come in small packages but cant explain this. Getting less for more sounds like the sort of tricks high fashion use. Cant imagine Asda chicken being high fashion though unless I have missed something.

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