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Old 29-08-2010, 09:01   #25
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Re: Have you ever been...

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Actually, many people do in this town just by the glory of being unemployed and having money thrown at them. You don't need qualifications, you just need a baby/disability/alcohol or drug problem and you'll be pretty much settled for life.

And don't tell me this isn't the case. I see it every day.

Not everyone gets shed loads of money thrown at them though. Those that do are milking the system because it lets them. I have a medical condition and still work because I can and am willing to because if I didnt I would not have independence nor be able to have a life. There are people that are out of work through no fault of their own and in some cases there is age discrimination and the "over qualified" guff thrown at them. There are people that have spent months trying to get a job writing out and sending out many C.V's in the hope of getting a job and getting no were. This is from people over the entire spectrum of job levels and have been offered nothing. You are lucky you got a job but perceive that there is something untoward going on in what is a normal in that place. Thing is going to uni might give you a piece of paper that says you can do a job but you still have to prove it first.

Hopefully some day you will realise that because if not you will be joining those out of work and possibly classed as unemployable due to the attitude you take. I have been on the receiving end and dealt with it my way and made sure I did not treat those who came after me the same as I was. This is the way that can slowly change things for the better and make you feel like you have won a small victory. There will never be an overnight solution to issues at work you just have to take it on the chin and rise above it. Just never forget what you yourself went through and accept it as the norm and start behaving like they do because as soon as that happens you are no better than them thus handing victory to them.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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