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Old 20-09-2004, 14:17   #11
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Question Re: accrington High School 1960-1966

I went to the High School, but it was before your time. I left in 1956! But I too remember Miss Horne and was very interested to hear news of her.

My main memory of her are that she always wore tweed, the fabric AND the perfume!!

It seemed to me that she tried very hard to be intimidating - and succeeded most of the time. She and I nearly had a stand-up/knock-down fight about my future studies. But I won out in the end, and am I glad I did. I just did not fancy life in a laboratory...

But I do remember she was very dedicated to the school. Possibly more so than to the individuals in it. Anyway, I hope she had a happy retirement. If she was in Australia, she probably did.

Anybody out there that was at school in my day?
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