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Old 02-10-2004, 21:48   #16
Always EVIL within us

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Re: "The Art of Graffitti Writing"

Originally Posted by Ceejache
Graffiti when done properly ie. not just a tag, is in my view an art. I am against idiotic scrawlings of the form "I was 'ere Y2K+4" and all that but I have seen great pieces too.
Sorry Ceejache, I for one look upon Graffiti as vandalism pure and simple no matter how good it is! If I want to see a work of art, I go to a gallery, I don't want it staring down at me as soon as I leave the house. You say it is "not just a tag" but that is ALL it is. Most of these "artists" practice for months or years to get their own pretty pattern and then paint it on every conceivable wall they can but the majority are incapable of changing what they spray. That is not art, its "paint by numbers" doing the same design time and time again.

If they are truly artistic, there are so many ways that skill can be channelled but Graffiti is not one of them.
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