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Old 01-03-2011, 11:32   #45
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Council Tax Collection Rates

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Yes, so do our's I know someone paid twice in one month to keep in front, got the nasty letters because somehow extra payment doesn't seem to show up.
Well, I can happily inform you that the person involved in this little escapade was none other than, myself.

It had even got to the stage where a 'Council Tax-Notice Of Liability Order had been taken out against me with threats to send in the Bailiffs if I didn't fill in a 'Request For Relevant Information'.

Well, I didn't fill it in instead I emailed the Council and asked for a record of my payments so that I could check them against my bank statements.
A very polite but I imagine extremely harrassed lady replied Giving me the details required and also informing me that on checking these details, I was in fact up to date with my payments and that The summons and liability costs have been removed.
She did go on to say that the reason for this error was that my pay by date was the 14th of the month and some of the payments have been received after this date.

If, I was to be really bothered I think looking through my payment records I would find that in actual fact I was probably several weeks in front when making my donations to the buttie bar, but the system employed down there doesn't seem able to work that out.

However, I won't hassle the girl just on a minor technicality, instead I will thank her for her prompt action, and ask that the overpaid person in charge will try as hard and has the manners to check the figures they have before issuing their next summons to some other poor soul.

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Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 01-03-2011 at 11:35.
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