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Old 14-07-2011, 04:27   #5
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Re: Radcliffe Thread

The whole point of this is that it is a trial... Hence asking for the feedback.

Firstly, the point of interactivity - for a competitive league game I would expect it to be largely just a running text commentary on what is happening in the game rather than a string of comments from those viewing. However I think that it is good that viewers can comment, or ask questions as long as it doesn't take over. As Dave rightly says, a pre-season friendly is difficult to test this as there are so many questions about personnel etc. coming up all the time.

On the comments front, they have to be manually published, which is probably why it takes forever at your end?

On Macca's point of the wider audience I have to disagree. There were 250 viewers last night according to the stats, which is a considerable amount more than an average match thread on here I think I'm right in saying?

As for financial gain from the service, I'm on the record as saying I'd like to be able to find a sponsor for all the multimedia stuff (audio, video, text commentary etc.) that would provide a bit of income for the service. We've thought long and hard about a full subscription service with audio commentary etc. but unfortunately it's just not viable with the amount of money it will cost in equipment etc. compared to the size of audience. That's not to say that it isn't something that can still be looked at in the future. It's very possible.

As you all know I've got nothing against Accyweb at all, but from my point of view it is hard work to do a match thread on here compared to doing it in the method tried out last night. However, if the service provided last night wasn't worth bothering with that's a different matter. At the end of the day it's all about the end user i.e. you...

Any other thoughts?
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