Thread: The Tories
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Old 30-09-2011, 15:05   #582
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
While we are in the EU, the rules are made by unelected officials in Brussels....who have no idea of the fabric of our country...or perhaps they have and don't care about the damage that is caused by uncontrolled immigration.......everyone in the EU has a right to make their way to the UK if they wish....and all seem to want to come....the benefits system is much more generous that that of other countries.
I'm not saying that all the in-comer are claiming benefits...some are working, but spend their cash in their own shops......send the money home, where it will buy far more in the way of goods and services in their own country....they claim tax credits and allowances for children back in their homeland, and even if they go home, they continue to draw this benefit.
Does this seem a nutty situation to you? It does to me. I worked all of my life, paid into the system all my life.......I have a modest pension and I am taxed on that to pay these benefits to people who send the money not put it into the economy here in the UK.......and they can do that because the EU says it is alright.

We in the UK follow the rules of the EU to the france and germany they choose which rules they will follow and they seem to get away with it.
You may not think it is too late to halt the rot that has beset this country...but I do, because no-one has the cojones to get us out of this pernicious money swallowing political entity.
Never had you pegged for a fatalist, hon.

You might enjoy this. It has nothing to do with "Tories"; and you don't have to be religious to appreciate it ... I find it uniquely English. But, then again I've been away for a while

And maybe I'm getting sentimental in my old age
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