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Old 09-10-2011, 06:58   #16
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Re: How'd you vote in an E.U. referendum?

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
My heart says NO but my head keeps asking about the implications of breaking agreements that have been signed over the past 40 years while we've been members.

If we go for a divorce, how much alimony will we be saddled with?
We should be worrying about what will happen in the next 140 years, and the state Britain will be in for our children, and grandchildren.

Bernard accuses those who are anti-E.U. of being 'insular'.

That certainly can't be said of the ever expanding politcal entity that the E.U. has become.

Will Britain be issued with similar crippling fines, if we don't provide generous social benefits on arrival, for the seventy million Turks who'll inevitably soon become members of the E.U., or the millions who live in dirt poor countries, once part of that other unworkable body, the U.S.S.R.?

None of whom will have paid one penny into this country's pot.
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Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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