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Old 22-10-2011, 12:20   #34
Senior Member

Re: At last an on-time Cheltenham match thread.

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Not sure which game you were watching, Ozzy; Cheltenham the home team? I thought we dominated the play for most of the game. They had to put three men on Hatfield as they couldn't handle him. Indeed they had to put all of their men behind the ball and wait for a break for most of the game.

We played some good football today (ten times better than against Swindon) and deserved a point. But the only way we could've achieved that was through a goalless draw as we lacked the all-important final ball and failed to turn our dominance into goals. If you don't do this, the likelihood of the opposition catching that break increases and that's what they got. A ridiculous, hideous, shambolic gift of a goal. Same old story.

I hate to make the same old point week in, week out but if we change our system and open up our play, it offers more optimistic chances at goal. The more chances you have, the more likely you are to score. Simples.

I'd just like to add that I saw the first real performance from Kevin McIntyre yesterday. Got lucky with their penalty shout late on but had a good game.
Sum it up really.

I almost didn't bother treking after for the game last night but was glad I went even if I did end up having to find my way through the arse end of Manchester on the way home afterwards because a stretch of the M60 was closed.

First half was the best I've seen us play all season. Spray if we can keep hold of him will come good trust me, he's got strength and pace but he is looking for the ball over the top all the time(probably with coming from Wolves) give him a few games with the likes of Hatfield, Coid, Barnett behind him and his game should adapt, he's got the strength and determination to fill the role of Gornell holding the ball up and laying it off for the creative players behind him. Loved the way he was chasing their defenders and won the ball off the on more than one occasion.

Huge change yesterday, dominated a team will realistic hopes of automatic promotion, if we keep playing like we did for the majority of yesterday, the goals will come.
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