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Old 04-11-2004, 12:15   #7
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Re: Accrington Market

OK, so why don't the inside stallholders get together and try to raise the capital to buy the market hall. This way, when they come to retire from their business, they will have something to sell and it will put their destiny in their own hands. They will own their stall within the market hall. It would also be in their best interests to keep the place in good condition and would solve that problem. Contribution of capital could be arranged according to square footage of the stalls. As this would be quite a sizeable asset, I'm quite sure they could arrange finance for the purchase. I realise that we are probably talking a lot of money here but it must be worth exploration. Someone also mentioned on an earlier thread that there used to be stalls upstairs as well. They could possibly explore re-introducing those which could then be 'sold off' and reduce the debt incurred to buy the market hall. Just a thought.
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