Thread: Common Law
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Old 04-11-2011, 08:10   #10

Re: Common Law

Thats true, but I think people need to know more about COMMON LAW,
example- if you are driving down the motorway at, say 120mph and you get to your destination safely, "YOU HAVE NOT BROKEN THE LAW"
Common Law is the law of this land and its population,
All so called "LAWS" today are not really laws, they are "Statutes" Statutes are Contracts, thats all they are and cannot be imposed on a Human Being without the Human Being accepting the CONTRACT,
Politicians, Mainstream Media and people with power will NOT EVER tell you about COMMON LAW, I'm not a conspiracy theorist and dont normally complain even at the most testing of times, but the more I look into this the more I find shocking to say the least, for instance, House of Commons Ltd, EVERY Member of parliament is a Limited Company, Metropolitan Police Ltd, Almost ALL Magistrates Courts are Limited Companies,

There are TWO courts in the UK, "Court De jure" = For Justice, under Common Law, with a Jury etc, and there are "Court De facto" mainly the Magistrates these are the local magistrates in YOUR town that operate for PROFIT, they are a PRIVATE ORGANISATION and exist only to make PROFIT from the STATUTES, speeding,parking, tickets, and more shockingly COUNCIL TAX, you will NOT get justice in a Court De "facto", just drop in at any local magistrates court and ask the usher what kind of court it is, he probably wont have a clue so ask him OR her if they could go and find out, if he comes back and says it is a "Court De Jure" hes lying.
Common Law is THE LAW OF THIS LAND Common Law is plain and simple :-

As long as you dont cause HARM, LOSS or INJURY you are NOT breaking the LAW in ANY WAY, any questions peeps, just ask, for instance, this will upset a lot of parents, (I cried when I learnt this) ready? When a Parent signs a Birth Certificate they give the newborn away to the STATE, look on the birth certificate, the Father is THE INFORMANT and he informs on the newborn, There was a case a couple of years ago where a mother had her children put into care because she couldnt cope, a few weeks later, the authorities/social services brought "ONE" child back to her, she asked why they were doing this ? and the reply she got was "we cant keep this child as it doesnt belong to us" (the state) asked what they meant she was told that there wasnt a birth certificate for the child so the child was hers. Anyway what do Accywebbers think ? honestly, ask your MP why he NEVER talks about COMMON LAW.
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