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Old 09-11-2011, 20:47   #216
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Did Graham Jones do the right thing?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
What Tealeaf said is true.

Labour, under Foot and then Kinock, were unelectable, and would have remained that way forever more.

Rightly, or wrongly, they moved to the centre. Listened to what the ordinary man and woman were concerned about, and wasn't being tackled by Major's sleazy Tories, and changed.

They listened, addessed what people were actually saying they wanted, and offered to represent their views if elected.

It worked.

The state of the Labour party today, it won't work again.

Not until there's a change of leadership. and a major policy shift, which more ably represents what people now demand from our politicans.

Talk of more openess, and transparency in government means sweet Fanny Adams, if it's not backed up, by at least attempting to be democtatic, and representative of the people.

Anyone with any sense, backed up by all the opinion polls, know the British people are desperate to have a referendum, regarding our future relationship with the E.U.

All three mainstream parties refuse to see, and accept this of yet.

They'll have to, eventually.

They gave the impression of listening, but did they listen really?

They might have said they were listening before they were put in power. They sure as hell weren't listening when they took the country to war.
They weren't listening when they allowed uncontrolled immigration - anyone who voiced concerns was put down as being racist.
We were told that Diversity was good for the country, that multiculturalism would enrich our lives.

There are many instances where the Labour party sold the electorate down the river. Pensions, policing, education, they used smoke and mirrors......there was a lot of spouting of buzzwords, they told the people what they thought they wanted to hear....they were thin on action.

Champagne socialism, isn't socialism...or looking after the poor, the disadvantaged, the old or the vulnerable.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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