Thread: Owd Pastimes
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Old 07-12-2011, 14:19   #110
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Re: Owd Pastimes

We used to play many of the same games still back in the 70's - a great favourite was elastics. A piece of thin white knicker elastic in a large loop which two had round their ankles to start with and the 3rd person had to jump in and on it and do all sorts of tricks - each turn you finished without making a mistake meant the elastic got higher -knee level , thighs, waist etc....

We used to plays cat's cradle, hopscotch, rounders and then there were other crazes; pogo sticks, stilts (home-made by a friends grand-dad) , roller skates, and those space hoppers that were all the rage (came off mine on a massive leap and broke my ankle!). Then we used to drive parents mad with those Clackers that also came in, two balls tied to string you had to knock together and get to go up and down in a full arc -bruised wrists were obligatory! Also had a slinky at some point too...
No video games and not much TV either - Jackanory, Blue Peter or Crackerjack and then the Magic Roundabout before the news....

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