Thread: Hanging
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Old 29-12-2011, 15:31   #39
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Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
And I agree fully with what you say Eric

A death penalty for me is impossible to defend in a civilized society.

What do you think are the particular set of circumstances in Canada that make the lowering of the crime rate a reality?

Do you think that it has something to do with the quality of life that you have over there?

Is it something to do with the style of policing?

Is there just a different mentality among the population which is successfully transmitted to the young - do you think that people have greater hope of having decent prospects and a better life?

So many of our young people are disillusioned with what the UK/ Europe can offer -the future seems pretty dismal and perhaps that is a factor affecting the crime rate here (undoubtedly it was a factor in the summer riots both in the UK and Italy).
Maybe because, in general, we're a happy bunch of hosers over here.

Could be that we rank 228th in the world in terms of population density, at 3.41 per square kilometer.

Even with a tory government, right wing stuff like not allowing gay marriage, abortions, and capital punishment don't seem to bother most Canadians. We are a live and let live bunch. The only thing that really gets us going is hockey.

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