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Old 11-02-2012, 13:59   #2
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Re: ASDA hiding ciggies

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
truely what a joke our country has become when we can no longer have ciggies in plain sight.Although the law dosnt come into effect for a short while yet asda have started early on what will soon be law and now hide their ciggies out of sight.

God knows what this rule is supposed to prevent because i know of not one person who started smoking because the saw ciggies on a shelf.

Most people who smoke start because their friends did or the parents did

Not a smoker anymore myself but things have gotten way out of hand and have gone way too far.Its not the actuall hiding of ciggies that i have issue with but how dumb the government and powers that be think we are that we need telling how to run every single aspect of our lives and think that without their intervention we cant make decisions .

Mind you i bet every shopkeeper in teh country is going to have to waste a lot of time and money complying to the new rules for not displaying ciggies

whats next hiding bacon so as to stop people getting heart dissease from eating fatty food or offending people of other faiths ?
Now thats a good idea we don't want to upset muslims do we
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