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Old 11-02-2012, 16:35   #7
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Re: ASDA hiding ciggies

Cigarettes are legal to buy but now not legal to smoke anywhere but in your own home (at the moment). Everyone knows that they are bad for our health but the government will not ban them because of the enormous amount of revenue they bring in. If they were introduced today they would be made illegal but tobacco has been here for hundreds of years as has alcohol which could produce a similar argument. I enjoy both tobacco and alcohol (in fact it could be said that I can resist anything but temptation)!
It smacks a bit of hypocrisy that the only bar in the country in which you are able to smoke is in the House of Commons!
I am sick of people telling me how to live my life, so sitting here at the moment with my cigarette in my hand and my glass of red wine in front of me after spending the last couple of hours in the pub after a very busy and stressful week at work I would like to say to the people who think they hold the moral majority for us all to mind their own business! And if my lifestyle causes me to need the services of the NHS at some point in the future then I have paid more than my share into the pot over the years in taxes of various kinds to compensate!
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