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Old 23-02-2012, 18:55   #769
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Do the people who advocate legalisation have any idea of the effects of currently illegal drugs on peoples lives? I'm not just talking about the immediate effects, I'm talking about the chaotic lifestyles, the inability to function, the aggression, the paranoia, the crime they have to commit to get the money to finance their habit and caused as a result of taking drugs, the trauma they put their families and loved ones through, their loss of looks, their selfishness, their costs to society via the NHS, the benefits system and the criminal justice system? And on the plus side the user will get a 'high' or a 'kick' for a while until they need their next fix.
And yes I know that legal activities such as alcohol can cause the same problems, but we are talking about drugs which are currently illegal - I do not think there can be any excuse for legalising them and I would like anyone to justify realistically why they should be legalised without mentioning the right to do what you want with your body - but please at the same time tell me where you would draw the line?
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