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Old 25-02-2012, 22:13   #813
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Yes and you are not listening! I understand you are involved with kids who have abused drugs - I am telling you that a lot of these kids are involved in gang culture and the drugs are a part of that culture because these drugs are illegal. Legalising them would end gang involvement and it would no longer be "cool" to deal drugs as part of a gang!
You are so wrong here! It goes hand in hand with alcohol and a general culture, nothing to do with gang culture. It is just a part of life in general that the vast majority of the 'socially excluded' young people I work with will think that cannabis use (as well as other drugs) is just a normal part of their lives and they cannot see any reason to change because they have no expectations or confidence in themselves to make positive changes to improve their lives. I appreciate that this is a far bigger social problem than the drugs issue, but I don't think that legalising drugs would be a positive message in their lives - it's like saying " carry on as you are it's ok, in fact we'll encourage you by making it legal". And then what about the following generations, what expectations will they have? (I think I'd better stop ranting here, it's Saturday night for God's sake, I'll finish my glass of wine and go to bed!!!)
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