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Old 10-03-2012, 17:19   #1008
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post

The issue is that people with Multiple Sclerosis find "illegal cannabis" the most effective pain killer and are being treat like criminals as they can't get it on the NHS so they have to buy illegal drugs OK

Sorry about your illness man!
I said I wouldn't post anymore to this thread, but I just have to correct you.

Those who suffer from MS can now be prescribed Sativex(it was trialled some ten years ago so this is not a new thing).......which is a cannabinoid legal drug made especially for this MS sufferers do not have to resort to using illegal cannabis.

In an earlier thread you asked if the pharma company were blocking the legalisation of cannabis because it robs them(or deprives) of revenue.

If you think about this logically, the pharma companies would love to legalise the stuff, as it would be a regular and lucrative market for them.

It is illegal for a reason......that reason has been gone over and over and over in previous posts.......but you cannot be convinced because you don't want to listen to an opinion which differs from your own.
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