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Old 14-03-2012, 19:28   #1083
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

I have a solution to the shortage of prisons...and also to the problem of rehabilitation for those criminals who take drugs/ supply drugs.

We don't bother to put them in prison. We buy a remote Hebridean island, preferably somewhere cold damp and inhospitable....and we transport those involved with drugs to the island.........they will have to fend for themselves, they won't need prison officers to look after them, there will be no supply of drugs of any description and by the time their sentence is up they should have done their cold turkey and be fit to enter society again.

I agree with Less...we do not relax laws that aren't working...we look at why they aren't working and remedy the weaknesses. Reinforce the law, uphold the law......make the criminals pay(these are the dealers, the traffickers)
Two words - Zero Tolerance, that is what is needed, and punishment that isn't a cake walk.

I suppose that someone will come on now and tell me how these ideas contravene human answer is human rights imply responsibility on the part of each individual...if you can't demonstrate a degree of responsibility for yourslef and your actions, then don't bleat about human rights!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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