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Old 11-04-2012, 15:38   #234
I am Banned

Re: is it possible to cultivate/possess cannabis LAWFULLY?

Originally Posted by TheBookieSaswaa View Post
I could not agree more Wrighty, infact the content of this thread supports your exact comment. Indoctrination by those in power for too many years has created the majority of prejudice that we still see to this day.

I would further comment that the Governments of their day grew and traded in Opium and other Morpheates to help fund the Empire, yet now it is albeit illegal to grow hemp without a licence. They kidnapped/abducted indigenous people and transported them to different countries to work as slaves to produce high growth yields of sugar or cotton so as to fill their own pockets, the majority of them owned mills or refineries, yet now, under the E.C. the Government know that Eastern Europeans are willing to work for less than our own countrymen, and turn a blind eye to it.

These days OUR Government impose heavier taxes year by year upon the lowly serf, yet allow loopholes for their multi millionaire sponsors/friends.

Need I say more?

cleared up were you stand for me....but feel free to say more...... it is your right after all
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