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Old 01-05-2012, 21:34   #23
I am Banned

Re: Debt collection agencies

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
So have I got this right, Accychris?
You consciously run up debt knowing you can't(and don't intend)to pay it.
The firm you owe money to passes on that debt(at a loss) to a DCA who you refuse to pay. You get away with it! In fact you seem to be proud of it.
Isn't that theft? Not just from the firms you wouldn't pay but from the rest of us.
Because to cover the losses people like you cause the firms you owe money to they have to charge the rest of us more-so you're stealing from us!
You call this an 'obvious,lawful and blunt approach'?
What an interesting approach to money- no surprise you don't need banknotes.
Gordon Booth i didnt run up a debt knowing i couldnt pay infact i could prob of paid it in banknotes there an then but i had a reason for not paying so eventually they sold it to a DCA and yes which i refuse to pay. you say " get away with it" like i'm trying to hide something or i've done something wrong yes im proud i found my balls an stood up against these jokers

Isn't that theft? NO

i had doubts about the amount the firm was trying to say i owed so i worte them a letter saying i'm willing to pay if they can prove there actual losses added up to the amount they said thus creating lawful excuse for not paying and not theft as you say

"Because to cover the losses people like you cause the firms you owe "
with all due respect i think there should be more folk like me and less folk who talk the sheepish DRIBBLE like you speak
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