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garinda 05-05-2005 06:45

Web Election.
Well it's a rainy wet May day.

Are you going to the polls today or are you staying away?

I don't have a swing-o-meter, but thought it would be entertaining to see how interested we all are in this election, and if our interest mirrors the turnout locally.

garinda 05-05-2005 06:57

Re: Web Election.
Like l posted in another thread yesterday, after listening to the V.E. stories on the radio yesterday, some of which moved me to tears, l've decided to use my vote and not spoil my paper as l intended to do.

It also frightens me that through my inactive spolling of my paper might allow that little liar/spinner James Mawdsley to sneak in.

It's also interesting to remeber the American election before last, when in a country of 200 million people [l think,] the election outcome was all down to 90 odd votes in Orange County in Florida.

Made you realise in a democracy the little man [or woman] still literally counts.

WillowTheWhisp 05-05-2005 07:28

Re: Web Election.
I'll be out there doing my bit too.

entwisi 05-05-2005 08:42

Re: Web Election.

Originally Posted by garinda
It's also interesting to remeber the American election before last, when in a country of 200 million people [l think,] the election outcome was all down to 90 odd votes in Orange County in Florida.

Made you realise in a democracy the little man [or woman] still literally counts.

And if you believe that that wasn't a fix then you should do a bit more research. there were iirc 4 recounts each getting a litlle closer. Oh and who was the governer who authorised the recounts? George W's BROTHER!
I was in the Dom Rep. at the time and we got Yank TV. Even they were amazed at the sheer audacity of it.

Doug 05-05-2005 08:45

Re: Web Election.
Job done, we can only hope that we get it right......

PurpleLass 05-05-2005 09:52

Re: Web Election.
Yep, I've already been and done it.

janet 05-05-2005 10:22

Re: Web Election.
I went to do my bit at 10am.
Just wait and see what happens next.

garinda 05-05-2005 11:13

Re: Web Election.

Originally Posted by entwisi
And if you believe that that wasn't a fix then you should do a bit more research. there were iirc 4 recounts each getting a litlle closer. Oh and who was the governer who authorised the recounts? George W's BROTHER!
I was in the Dom Rep. at the time and we got Yank TV. Even they were amazed at the sheer audacity of it.

It's not something l've 'researched' in depth, but l do think it illustrates that each and every vote counts. Hearing people who were in concentration camps when the war in Europe ended, and their take on democratic elections and the freedom they fought and died for, [including my Grandfather,] really changed my mind.

All elections are open to abuse, including the American one you dismissed as a fix, but l stand by my claim that everyone of our votes count.

By the way what's iirc?

vorlon24 05-05-2005 13:38

Re: Web Election.
I voted last week

Billcat 05-05-2005 13:43

Re: Web Election.
Good luck, and may you elect a government that does great things for your country!

vorlon24 05-05-2005 13:45

Re: Web Election.
Not possible.

It's a bit like the elections in the states, although there is a bit more choice over here.

It is still a 2 horse race though

garinda 05-05-2005 14:31

Re: Web Election.
Apparently 20% of the expected vote are going to be postal votes, so Vorlon24 you are not alone.

I think it's a good idea, I don't remember being offered the option, do you have to apply?

Still the walk to Ossy Townhall at least got me to stretch my legs.

vorlon24 05-05-2005 14:41

Re: Web Election.
I think the question was asked on the electoral roll that we returned last October.

We opted for it at the time, and it saves a lot of hassle. We have missed out on voting before because we simply could not get to our polling station between the allotted hours.

When you leave early in the morning and don't get back till late at night, and don't work in the area, it makes a lot of sense. It is also useful if you are going to be on holiday, or otherwise out of the area/country on the day.

Internet voting would be preferable, but I can't see it happening yet.

garinda 05-05-2005 14:57

Re: Web Election.
Ah yes, the joys of commuting in the South East, l remember it well!

Move up here Vorlon, you could still vote postally and then be able to spend more time having fun and less time negotiating other commuters. :)

vorlon24 05-05-2005 15:00

Re: Web Election.
Well, I actually work from home now, so it is less of an issue, however today I nearly went to Olympia, and would have left before the polling stations opened, and may not have got back in time to vote.

If I ever end up with days full of appointments, it could be an issue, but that will be for the next election!

I don't really fancy moving up North - the weather is usually better down here!

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