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lettie 12-06-2005 19:49

What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
3 Attachment(s)
I had to post these photographs as this heap of rubbish has been sitting at the bottom of Meadow St since Thursday. I put out my wheelie bin early on Thursday morning and these bags were nowhere to be seen. Came home from work and had to steer my wheelie bin around this rubbish in order to get it back into my yard.

Now we all know that the refuse collectors are not supposed to take black bin bags anymore but this is just an pathetic excuse to leave a blatant health hazard on our doorsteps. It's now 4 days on and the rubbish is still there. It is so bad now that the local kids are using it as a playground. The last time I checked (although it was a few years ago) Bubonic Plague was still a notifyable disease in the UK.

I wouldn't post this if HBC could get its act together and deal properly and cost effectively with our refuse. Unfortunately they don't seem to be able to organise the brewery entertainment. I wonder how long it will take them to shift this lot???

There is a way of getting rid of it quicker. If anyone is off work tomorrow, pop round to mine, with your marigolds on and we will carry it down to the Town Hall and dump it at the front entrance.. I bet they'd shift it pretty sharpish then..:D

panther 12-06-2005 19:59

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
who put the rubbish there? have ppl not got wheelie bins anymore? what happened to on the spot fines? i have a few were i live and they leave there rubbish in the alley with there rubbish sticking out of the bin and about 4 bags besides, why cant they leave in in there own gardens till its time to collect? were do they get all the **** from? im a family of four, i dont leave my rubbish on the floor, these people dont care about how they live, i hate to think what their homes look like!! to me their dirty bas****ds.

chav1 12-06-2005 20:28

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
just ring up the council and say you have seen rats in the rubbish they left behind they tend to move faster when rats are reported

also nice to see yet even more proof that the wheelie bin system dosnt work

i pay council tax every week so i expect my rubbish to be taken every week unless they are going to half my council tax bill


why cant they leave in in there own gardens till its time to collect?
because irrisponsible cat owners let their cats roam the streets to rip open our bin bags if we are stupid enough to leave them in OUR back yards

WINGY 12-06-2005 20:41

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
2 points from me... the wheelie bim system is rubbish, bring back weekly collections, thus doing away with these darn messes ( in theory anyway) i live on my own and easily fill my wheelie bin once a fortnight. and if i where in the country i would be more than happy to help to cart this pile of ****e downt to the town hall!!!

And for my second point... Lettie them pics are terrible!!!! For god sake sparks when you have 5 mins to spare give you lass some pointers:D ......

K.S.H 12-06-2005 20:54

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by WINGY
Lettie them pics are terrible!!!!

I agree.... lot of camera shake there, must have been on the bottle!

cashman 12-06-2005 21:35

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
its a disgrace,some people just dump their crap anywhere.but the bigger disgrace is HBCs attitude towards shifting it.

chav1 12-06-2005 22:42

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
ever since i was a little nipper everyone puttheir rubbish out on the alley on a weekly basis and the street were a lot cleaner than what they are now

wheelie bins are a good idea as they keep vermin like cats out of the rubbish , the problem is that the council dont empty them often enough

its not that i cant recycle

its that i refuse to recycle

why the hell should i spend my time scubbing out empty sharp tins , stamping down plastic cartons and cluttering up my tiny house with various boxes each desighned to hold various types of rubbish

sorry but rubbish belongs in a bin outside of the home and not inside where my children can get cut by sharp objects or pick up dieses from rotting food missed in the wash or inside of cartons

jimmi5bellies 12-06-2005 22:47

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
lettie, most of the wheelie bins on our street have been that manhandled by the council they are all missing their lids ... so my cats do go hunting through them. :-(

Less 12-06-2005 23:12

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by lettie
If anyone is off work tomorrow, pop round to mine, with your marigolds on and we will carry it down to the Town Hall and dump it at the front entrance.. I bet they'd shift it pretty sharpish then..:D

I'm sorry Lettie I can't help you shift that rubbish I'm still tired from when I carried it all from my back alley, I was on my way to the town hall with it but was so exhausted by the time I got as far as I did!

chav1 12-06-2005 23:22

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
hey thats pretty close to the tax office

a verry suitable substitute if you ask me :D

staggeringman 13-06-2005 00:19

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by chav1
ever since i was a little nipper everyone puttheir rubbish out on the alley on a weekly basis and the street were a lot cleaner than what they are now

wheelie bins are a good idea as they keep vermin like cats out of the rubbish , the problem is that the council dont empty them often enough

its not that i cant recycle

its that i refuse to recycle

why the hell should i spend my time scubbing out empty sharp tins , stamping down plastic cartons and cluttering up my tiny house with various boxes each desighned to hold various types of rubbish

sorry but rubbish belongs in a bin outside of the home and not inside where my children can get cut by sharp objects or pick up dieses from rotting food missed in the wash or inside of cartons

One for the surfers is this!find out how much H.B.C made on the recycled stuff in 2004 ?

chav1 13-06-2005 02:56

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
i havnt got time to look just yet but if europe wants me to recycle they can send somone to wash my crap coz i sure aint gonna do it i hate washing up a the best of times and the last thing i want is more of it :D

lettie 13-06-2005 07:14

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by panther
who put the rubbish there? have ppl not got wheelie bins anymore? what happened to on the spot fines? i have a few were i live and they leave there rubbish in the alley with there rubbish sticking out of the bin and about 4 bags besides, why cant they leave in in there own gardens till its time to collect?

This rubbish was put out on the day of collection, it wasn't there early in the morning when I put out my wheelie bin but was there when I returned. To my knowledge there are at least 3 properties along Derby St and the bottom of Whalley Rd with no wheelie bins. I suspect that these are rental properties.

Whether the rubbish is in a wheelie bin or in a black bin bag, it should still be collected as it is an obvious health hazard.

Hehehe Wingy, I know the pics are really bad, I was on the move when I took them, and had to chase one of the neighbourhood kids off the rubbish first.:D

WillowTheWhisp 13-06-2005 07:40

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Am I the only person on here who is in favour of recycling? We don't have an infinite supply of raw materials and we don't have bottomless pits to dump all our rubbish in. It makes much more sense to me to recycle as much as possible and try to leave a world worth living in for future generations.

In the olden days people recycled without knowing it because they had to, they couldn't afford to throw things away and there wasn't half so much disposable junk as there is now.

I sort out paper, glass, tins and plastic bottles. We now have a bag for plastic bottles although we haven't always had one and that niggled me. I also keep all compostable waste in a seperate little bin and periodically take it up to the allotment. Now I do realise that not everyone has a garden or allotment and not everyone has a use for compost, but equally there are people who have large gardens who go out and buy compost for them. Perhaps a "compost exchange" should be organised by our illustrious leaders where people who want to recycle compostable waste but have no use for it could pass it on to people who need it and can't get enough?

I don't keep any of my bags boxes or bins in the house, there is no way I would have rubbish in the house. I have small waste bins indoors but they are emptied regularly and mostly they contain stuff for the wheelie bin all the rest goes straight outside into its respective recepticle and no I don't have a massive back yard to keep them in. In fact I have a very small L shaped yard but it's just a case of organising the space effectively.

However, back to the subject of all that rubbish at the bottom of Meadow Street. That is disgusting. Surely it can't all have been dumped there by one family? It's all very well HBC saying they won't take extra bin bags and will only empty wheelie bins once a fortnight but what on earth do they expect people to do when they have more than a wheelie bin full of non-recyclable rubbish? Threatening a £1,000 fine quite obviously only encourages people to fly tip elsewhere which makes the problem twice as bad. If you have rubbish you have rubbish and such rubbish needs to be removed. Not everyone can get to the tip and anyway what on earth is the difference between HBC dumping it at the tip and the householder dumping it at the tip? It still ends up in the same place!

Theoretically if you have large items you can ring up the council and they will come and remove them but now apparently they will only take 3 items in one go! Where's the sense in that? If you have 9 items they are now going to be making 3 visits instead of 1 and quite possibloy you may have to ring up 3 times to get them to do so. How can that be classed as an improvement? When we demolished th old shed after it was vandalised and had the damaged contents to dispose of too they weren't even keen on us taking it to the tip ourselves because they classed it as "building waste". So they weren't prepared to come for it and grumbled when we took it up there! That was the point at which I said words to the effect of "OK we'll join the rest of the fly tippers then!"

That lot really is a health hazard and it's very irresponsible of HBC to just leave it all there like that. They should try to find out who dumped it too though. It's too easy to fine little old ladies whose wheelie bin lids won't shut down properly, much harder to trace people who dump piles of stuff like that. It wouldn't surprise me if there are rats amongst it, especially if there's any food content.

lettie 13-06-2005 07:54

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I also can't believe that this rubbish could have come from one family. I also re-cycle the majority of my rubbish. My wheelie bin only goes out once a month for collection and I have usually room in it for excess bags from my neighbours which I have added to my wheelie bin from time to time. It's all well and good for the council to be slapping fines on people for leaving their rubbish in bags but there would probably be no need to do so if the collections were properly organised and the frequency of collections increased. I know that my bin doesn't need emptying weekly, but I live on my own. A family of 4 or more may well need a weekly collection.

From looking at this rubbish (and I have not raked through it too closely) some of it looks like it could be from someone having a huge spring clean and getting rid of old plant pots etc. Some looks like general household waste, foodstuffs etc.:(

WillowTheWhisp 13-06-2005 07:57

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
It looks like there are lumps of wood there too. That should have qualified for a free extra collection surely.

Mick 13-06-2005 08:17

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Well after reading this lettie i was going to have a walk round the area with the camera and see what other rubbish i could find but this being Accrington its raining so it will have to wait till we have a dry day .
A lot of people have posted that the bin men dont take the extra black bags if they are not in the bin ,but round here they seam to take all the rubbish thats down the back streets i have seen them putting chairs carpets even a kitchen sink and this was on the usual rounds .
There is also a van comes round once a month i think they are tinkers and take all sorts of metal stuff friges,freezers washing machines anything they can weigh in but at least they are clearing the stuff the council wont take

MUMMIBOO 13-06-2005 08:24

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Here in Preston they empty the wheelie bins 2 times a month aswell, which just doesnt work, ok let see daddiboo's sister lives around the corner from us and she has a family of 9 7 children and 2 adults, and they only empty the wheelie bin twice a month your having a laugh even if they were to recycle all there rubbish its still not enough, ( maybe thats all their rubbish dumped to teach the council a lesson) they could fill their bin just in nappies in a week.

She even rang the council to ask for more recycling bins and she was replied with "Well we will have to monitor your rubbish before we can issue more bins out" not that i can see the point of montioring the rubbish of a family of 9!

We are a family of 4 and we struggle it might help a little if the manufacturers didnt use so much packaging that is unneeded and if the were more weigh-in-shops for like cereal and sugar and washing powder.

Me and daddiboo once went to take some stuff to the local tip we filled up his works van and off we went only to come back with all the stuff. They wouldnt let us in because the van had more than 4 wheels ( for gods sake it was a transit not a artic)!

I think the whole thing is a farce, we were shopping yesterday and we were going to pack the stuff into the boxes they give you to use instead of the bags and i found myself saying dont use the boxes because we have no where to put them after!!!!!

We also got letters on our bins on the bank holiday weekend from the council saying not to expect the bins to be emptied this week as most of the workers will be at Cardiff at the Preston footie match.

I agree with you willow recycling should be done where possible, but they sure aint making things easy for us now are they!!!!!

chav1 13-06-2005 09:34

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
well said mummiboo all the council are doing is cutting costs and pinching pennies at our expense

if they want to save money they shouldnt have stupid mayor swearing in ceromonies and all the other stupid ideas they come up with

they could also do with not spending money on renovationg private prperties and let the house owners pay for their own new windows and roofs

vorlon24 13-06-2005 10:16

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
All this and still the council tax increases year on year.

So what exactly does Council Tax pay for (in addition to christmas lights and mayor parties)?

chav1 13-06-2005 11:29

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
this may sound insane but arnt people elected by the public answerable to the public

shouldnt we be able to say oi get your priorities right

it seems all we do is vote somone into power who then does as they want no matter what the people say they want

i know that every issue can not be put to a vote but surely there is a way they can ask us and get a general idea of what people of accy want and dont want

reading accy webb might be a good start

i will give credit to the french for one thing and that is that if their elected officials mess up the peole of france cause so much hassle for them they get it sorted

Debbie J 13-06-2005 12:50

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I too recycle as much as I can & go to the tip with bigger items but if I have a clearout or do any decorating my bin is not big enough to accomodate my rubbish. We should make HBC accountable for the lack of facilities & maybe some of you without a phobia should catch some of the vermin rubbish causes & deliver it to the town hall, preferably at a public meeting!!!!

Acrylic-bob 13-06-2005 14:40

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Perhaps one way of dealing with this problem would be to publicly shame the council for their lack of efficiency. Is there a competition that we could enter them for, something like The Crappiest Council in Britain Awards 2005,

The other thing to do would be to deluge Councillor Anne Scaife, who holds the Cabinet Portfolio for waste, with Zillions of written complaints. One or two won't do, it has to be by the sackfull. It might also help to send her all the bumpf that HBC sends out too, helpfully labeled "Recycle this!"

The only way to deal with incompetence is to expose it! And it seems the only way to sting HBC into action is to kick them where it really hurts - in the Municipal Ego. HBC has this collective vision of itself as whiter than white, holier than thou and the best thing to happen to local government since the advent of sliced bread. That is where you have to strike them.

This pompous regard for its reputation has it's origins with the former Accrington Borough Council; I recall that sometime in the seventies The New Musical Express ran a satirical column and claimed that one of it's fictional characters was a Freeman of the Borough of Accrington. Admitedly not a very good joke, but then NME was never famed for it's scintillating wit. However, a couple of weeks later, there appeared in the NME a retraction of the article and an apology. Apparently the story had reached the ears of the Town Clerk, Nigel D. McGregor, who had written to the NME threatening them with all sorts of legal sanctions if they did not immediately apologise and withdraw the article.

What's the phrase....Know your enemy!

WillowTheWhisp 13-06-2005 14:43

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I don't have a phobia but I would be worried about what I might catch from any of the vermin I might catch, if you see what I mean.

It's absolutely ludicrous that any council won't issue more recycling boxes etc when they are supposed to be encouraging recycling! And why the heck should it matter what type of van you arrive at the tip in? The rubbish still exists and still needs to be disposed of! When we went up to Whinney Hill with the trailer on the back of the car they measured the length of it! If it had been too long we'd have been refused. But it would still have contained the same flippin rubbish! It's madness.

I think we are allowed to put cardboard next to the wheelie bins on bin day so those boxes from the supermarket should be OK. I'm using mine for "compost diluting" at the mo, to counteract the soggy stuff.

Sparkologist 13-06-2005 16:09

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
When I saw this pile of rubbish yesterday evening, when we were on our way back from the pizza shop, (that's another story, hehehe) I was seriously pee'd off. So I will get my apology in now, before the diatribe comences. Sorry folks for the effing & jeffing but this represents the way I feel about it. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I think the point is being missed in some cases, debating whether or not recycling is good for the enviroment.
The point that Lettie was trying to make was that the pile of rubbish was there alongside the wheelie bins on Thursday morning but our band of illustrious, jobsworth, BONE F*@KING IDLE bin men couldn't be arsed to take it. All they want to do now is pick up a wheelie bin, providing it is parked within a couple of yards of their wagon; they won't go up a back street to collect 'em, and in one instance I witnessed they were reluctant to go five flaming yards up a pensioners drive way to retreive a bin. Perhaps they can quote chapter and verse regarding council policy for removal of household waste, but this attitude doesn't keep the streets clean; graft and pride in the enviroment does!

Maybe I am wrong pointing the finger at our workshy domestic waste operatives, perhaps the blame lies fairly and squarely with the policy makers in HBC, but as we are all aware our shambolic local council is that far up it's own ar$e that it needs a Davey Lamp and a canary to find it's way about. HBC council doesn't have a policy with regards to hosehold waste disposal, it has a well-oilrd ostrich mentality!

What kind of image does this portray of Accrington, when this pile of refuse is on open display within view of the main thoroughfare through town, and within 100 yards of the main shopping street in Accrington.

As well as being unsightly, this rubbish is a potential breeding ground for rodent vermin and all the associated diseases that come with them.

If it isn't the binmens remit to remove this rubbish, who's is it? Does it have to fester on the street corner whilst various council departments bicker and whinge amongst themselves, debating who is responsible for keeping our streets tidy.

That folks, is the watered down version. I haven't even discussed why our council tax keeps rising to pay for these services, yet appears to be inversely proportional to the quality of service.

Acrylic-bob 13-06-2005 16:19

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Contact details for Anne Scaife can be found here...

lettie 13-06-2005 16:50

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I have just e mailed the link to this thread to Mrs Scaife. The rubbish is still there today. Some bags are now ripped open either by kids or vermin. There are definitely empty food cans in there which are visible now due to the bags being a little more open. I can only guess that there are probably more foodstuffs in there. By the time anyone comes to shift this it will be strewn all over the road...:(

fireman 13-06-2005 17:18

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Willow I'm with you on recycling I find that I can arrange my rubbish better and having quite a large garden I get the chance to get rid of my gardening waste . I sympathise with lettie it must be awfull when idiots just dump anywhere with no thoughts of anyone else. If you are seripously going to sort it yourself Lettie count me in for any help you need x

Debbie J 13-06-2005 17:22

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I think it is both ridiculous and disgusting that rubbish is left in the alleyways like this. I'm sure if it was on Anne Scaife's doorstep it would have been cleared immediately & not left to fester. While on the subject of litter what happened to the town centre street cleaner(s) this morning? I don't know if anyone else noticed but the walk through from Broadway to the market was full of papers empty cups e.t.c I know there's a boot market on Sunday's now but it's not usually that bad.

lettie 13-06-2005 17:30

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
All I can say is that it is blatantly obvious that the wheelie bin system is not working. As previously mentioned not everyone has a wheelie bin. There are 2 houses at the back of my house which do not have wheelie bins. I can understand from a health and safety point of view that the council don't want to be facing huge payouts to employees with bad backs after years of lifting heavy black bags, but this situation is ridiculous. I wonder how much somebody would be able to claim for illnesses caused by unsanitary conditions due to festering rubbish in our streets. As far as I'm concerned the council have a duty of care to the citizens of this borough as well as their own employees.

WillowTheWhisp 13-06-2005 18:09

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
How come some people don't have wheelie bins? What are they supposed to do with their rubbish?

I agree that it is HBC's responsibility to keep the streets clean but I've often reported rubbish and it takes ages before anyone comes to look at it by which time anything that can be blown (which is often most of it) has gone a wandering. Maybe we should start a "grot spotting" thread?

lettie 13-06-2005 18:26

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
How come some people don't have wheelie bins?

I don't know. I can only assume that it is because they are rental properties and at the time when the wheelie bins were distributed they were empty. There has been people living in them since, but once again they are empty now. Some of the tenants from one property let their rubbish mount up in black bags in their back yard and never put them out. This rubbish has been shifted c/o Environmental Health and the help of our resident Cllr. These tenants have moved on.

lindsay ormerod 13-06-2005 18:29

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I have a friend who recently moved to a rented house in Accy that had no wheelie bin;it took 4 phone calls and 8 weeks to get one.Wheelie bin theft is also probably to blame;but not much you can do when you are at work all day and the bin is just sat there on the back!

panther 13-06-2005 18:38

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
i had a few houses empty on my street, all of them got wheelie bins, now some have gone probably because they been nicked, or someone else has took them for there rubbish!

chav1 13-06-2005 20:24

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
on my street there is a house that is split into 2 flats

there is one person in each small flat which makes 2 people yet they get a wheelie bin each making 2 wheelie bins for 1 house

i have 2 adults and 2 children ( one in nappies) and get told that i only need 1 wheelie bin

i dont expect an answer to this because HBC themselves couldnt give me one either lol

the real kick in the nuts is that even if you buy your own 2nd wheelie bin HBC wont empty it as they didnt provide it yet wont issue extra wheelie bins

Dean 14-06-2005 08:37

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
wow i can't believe all this it is sickening that it has happened

is the rubbish still there if not when was it collected?

i am a family of 5 and we really struggle to fill our bin and sometimes end up jumping on it to fit all our rubbish in so that we are not fined. i'm not sure whether our bin's are collected fortnightly or weekly i don't take much notice but i know that the wheelie bin system is ****.
i heard from one of the bin men that fines are given to those who leave out extra bin bags and to those who don't recycle, (they find this out by rumaging through the extra waste.) i can understand fully about not wanting a bigger bin to fill more space in ur garden but as for recycling i fully back it up.


We don't have an infinite supply of raw materials and we don't have bottomless pits to dump all our rubbish in. It makes much more sense to me to recycle as much as possible and try to leave a world worth living in for future generations.
your not the only one willow although i can't be bothed washing out tins and bottles and sorting parped we usually well i just put the tins in the box with the wrapper still on after i have rinsed it out (quickly) i do the same for plastic aswell, but as for paper recycling little bit's doesn't happen i just recycle news papers, magasines, and all the waste paper that comes out of my room after i have tidied it (once every month. lol.)

and i'm sure our collection is weekly

recycling on a thursday and household rubish on a friday

WillowTheWhisp 14-06-2005 08:44

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Typical HBC inconsistency there Dean.

What's the latest on the pile of rubbish Lettie?

vorlon24 14-06-2005 08:48

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
That's not a very nice thing to say about Lettie ;)

Mick 14-06-2005 09:11

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
HBC just might sit up and start doing something about the mess this town is in when we get the first case of CHOLERA.
I do wish this weather would clear up then i can get round the streets with the camera and shame HBC into doing something about this rubbish.......
if you see a big pile of rubbish let me know and i will go and take pics and send it to HBC

lettie 14-06-2005 13:21

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I haven't been out yet this afternoon as I have only just got out of bed, but when I arrived home from work this morning it was still there. Yes, what an eyesore at 9am after an 11 1/2 hour night shift with no meal break and feeling sickly enough, I was faced with that monstrous heap at the bottom of my street.

Sparkologist 14-06-2005 16:51

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I can confirm that as of 5:30 pm today, the offending pile of rubbish is still languishing at the end of Meadow Street. :mad:

lindsay ormerod 14-06-2005 18:02

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Who is your councillor Lettie? I would give them a call and make them come and look at the mess before you send your pics to the papers!** if it's Ian Ormerod,drop me a pm and I will give you his number**

Sparkologist 14-06-2005 18:36

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I am not sure, so please don't quote me on this, but I think that Graham Jones may be elected Councillor for the centre of Accrington.

Bazf 14-06-2005 19:11

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Am I being cynical or is that our esteemed counciler comes on here at election time then when something like this is posted not a word, comment or even a blame to the other party, seems like he 's obviously in the right job or thinking to myself (it's not my ward but I'll give you a number to call) may be a bit lacking.
Of course all us nazi,conservative, independent posters are just being negative about a little bit of rubbish.

Sparkologist 14-06-2005 19:18

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
It would appear that council buffoonery with regard to household waste disposal isn't exclusive to HBC. Just over the border in Burnley, the residents there have their own problems with excess houshold waste... and the local council isn't helping matters.

I have just come across this article on the BBC website.Read it and weep:

Who is responsible for idiocy like this? Is it the Councillors that we elect, who we entrust to do their best for our neighbourhoods, or is it the clowns they employ who hold down nine-to-five jobs in the council offices and instigate cr@p policies like this?

Acrylic-bob 14-06-2005 20:15

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
>>Who is responsible for idiocy like this? Is it the Councillors that we elect, who we entrust to do their best for our neighbourhoods, or is it the clowns they employ who hold down nine-to-five jobs in the council offices and instigate cr@p policies like this? <<

I once went to a meeting of the planning committee of Burnley Borough Council. What an eye opener that was! There was not one of them there, save for the Chair, who knew what they were suppposed to be doing, nor indeed why! There were, I think twelve councillors on the committee who voted exactly as the Chair told them to do, in application after application.

I think that I can safely say, without fear of contradiction, they are all equally to blame; from the brain-dead ******* we elect to the pension-warming, empire-building paper-pushers they employ on our behalf. Lions led by donkeys, doesn't come close to an adequate description.

Why do you suppose people choose to work in Local Government rather than trying their luck in similar positions in the private sector? The answer is plain and simple: Employers in the private sector would fire them before the end of their first month.

"30 years of service to the community"? Don't make me laugh!

Bagpuss 14-06-2005 20:42

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by mick
I do wish this weather would clear up then i can get round the streets with the camera and shame HBC into doing something about this rubbish.......
if you see a big pile of rubbish let me know and i will go and take pics and send it to HBC

I was going to tell you about a huge pile of rubbish that was dumped on St Leger Court off Plantation St. I noticed it last week on my way to work and after a conversion with a shop owner found it had been reported to the council 6 days ago. Anyway the local scum have done the work for the council and set fire to the lot, unfortunatly the rubbish was next to a house which nearly went up with it, nice try scum or are you working for the council?

chav1 14-06-2005 21:21

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
what a bloody good idea that bloke mentioned earlier had removing exess rubbish for £1.00 a bag

who cares if he is a registered waste removal person the council would probably want a massive fee for a licence to do it anyway and this man only makes money because the council are incompitent

it mentioned in the article that they fear he may be fly tipping

heres hoping hes saving it up in a big dumper to tip on the councils doorstep lol

WillowTheWhisp 15-06-2005 09:17

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I wonder if there's any connection between "£1 a bag" man and that neighbour of Janet's with the truckload of full bin bags?

Anyway the council have asked for this sort of thing by fining people £1,000 for excess rubbish.

lettie 15-06-2005 09:53

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Well you guessed it, the rubbish is still there. I have telephoned HBC Refuse Dept and spoke to a nice lady who assured me that they will pass on my complaint to the officers and come and do an inspection and arrange collection. She re-iterated that it is HBC Policy that extra black bags are not collected and that people have excess rubbish when they don't recycle. I know that some of my neighbours are not recycling and a couple of them use the blue box as a toy box for the kids, but I'm not talking about an extra 1 or 2 black bags here.

The pile of cr@p at the bottom of Meadow St is growing and taking on a new life of its own. There now appears to be extra things there. A mattress has materialised overnight and I'm sure that there are several more bags. It has now been there for 6 days and everytime I walk past it I expect to see a family of rats looking up at me...:eek:

WillowTheWhisp 15-06-2005 12:13

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Any more recent pics of the growing menace?

Graham Jones 15-06-2005 19:20

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by lettie
I had to post these photographs as this heap of rubbish has been sitting at the bottom of Meadow St since Thursday. I put out my wheelie bin early on Thursday morning and these bags were nowhere to be seen. Came home from work and had to steer my wheelie bin around this rubbish in order to get it back into my yard.

Now we all know that the refuse collectors are not supposed to take black bin bags anymore but this is just an pathetic excuse to leave a blatant health hazard on our doorsteps. It's now 4 days on and the rubbish is still there. It is so bad now that the local kids are using it as a playground. The last time I checked (although it was a few years ago) Bubonic Plague was still a notifyable disease in the UK.

I wouldn't post this if HBC could get its act together and deal properly and cost effectively with our refuse. Unfortunately they don't seem to be able to organise the brewery entertainment. I wonder how long it will take them to shift this lot???

There is a way of getting rid of it quicker. If anyone is off work tomorrow, pop round to mine, with your marigolds on and we will carry it down to the Town Hall and dump it at the front entrance.. I bet they'd shift it pretty sharpish then..:D

Hi Lettie,

Just an update on this.

The offenders are persistant and I have been aware of them. I want them prosecuted so that will need EH to look through the rubbish. Anne Scaife was informed Monday but nothing has been done. Thingshave been made more complicated because our excellent EH Officer Lee Haworth is leaving [another jumping from the 'good ship Tory']. The Carnival passes at weekend and what a mess. PLus that heap of crap on Burnley Rd with a dead rat.

chav1 15-06-2005 19:47

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
ahh nice one graham prosecute people because HBC provide an inadiquate service

always the peasant folk at fault isnt it

i mean god forbid we should expect weekly clearance of rubbish or at least enough bins to accomodate a family for two weeks

hell its not as though we pay over £800 a year to you lot at the council to take care of things like rubbish is it..?

wheres the money going graham

inadiquate waste disposal becasue HBC downsized the workers

inadiquate ammount of police

comeon graham let us know where all our hard earned money is going besides all the crap we see posted on here like mayor swearing in cerimonies etc

it realy gets up my ass how you can come on here saying you are hoping to prosecute offenders when you lot at HBC are the reason it is happening in the first place

go fine your selves you set of crooks

Graham Jones 15-06-2005 22:20

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by chav1
ahh nice one graham prosecute people because HBC provide an inadiquate service

always the peasant folk at fault isnt it

i mean god forbid we should expect weekly clearance of rubbish or at least enough bins to accomodate a family for two weeks

hell its not as though we pay over £800 a year to you lot at the council to take care of things like rubbish is it..?

wheres the money going graham

inadiquate waste disposal becasue HBC downsized the workers

inadiquate ammount of police

comeon graham let us know where all our hard earned money is going besides all the crap we see posted on here like mayor swearing in cerimonies etc

it realy gets up my ass how you can come on here saying you are hoping to prosecute offenders when you lot at HBC are the reason it is happening in the first place

go fine your selves you set of crooks

Don't be smug and don't talk crap. I am prepared to explain this once [i dont suffer fools easily as you may be aware, however I am more than happy to exchange views & discuss in a civilised way...
The offenders are suspected fly tippers and have nearly been prosecuted before but the case lacked all the evidence needed. However there are several of these perpertrators in this case, residential and commercial, not just one, dumping illegally, regularly, and not just here.

Explanantion, negotiation has not worked previously so its time to downsize the effort to a simple and effective reminder known as a fine and prosecution. You may take some moral high road, but I, and other residents who have to live in this ward dont want to put up with the consequences of your ill thought and anti-establishment conclusions. So find out some facts first or my advice is, keep your opnions to yourself if you dont want to make yourself look stupid.

Every point you made was crap, but heres the most stupid.

"we pay over £800 a year to you lot at the council to take care of things like rubbish"

HBC takes only 15% of the £800 for all its services. The bins work out at about 60p per week per household.

cashman 15-06-2005 22:41

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by chav1

i mean god forbid we should expect weekly clearance of rubbish or at least enough bins to accomodate a family for two weeks

without gettin into a slanging match graham whats crap about this point? and while your on the subject of rubbish i noticed you havent responded to a differant matter on the same subject ie,willows thread(theiving ******) if anythings crap mate its hbcs response to willows wheelie bin problem.

fireman 15-06-2005 22:50

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I understand what you are saying Graham and Chav is getting, along with others a bit up tight about this situation. It is unpleasaant to have this sort of rubbish closr to your home, especially when you have young children around. It has been several days now that the council have known about the problem and to the man in the street nothing has been done. OK behind the scenes moves may be afoot but this does not help the residents who just want, and are entitled to clean streets. Instead of rising to a slanging match is it not just possible to pick up a phone and explain that you, as an elected councillor are getting a lot of flack over this rubbish and then maybe a satisfactoty conclusioncould be on the cards.

chav1 15-06-2005 23:52

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
i have personaly spoke to the council countless times about the new wheelie bin system

i offered to buy a second wheelie bin - they wont empty it coz its not theirs

i asked to buy one of theirs - no because 1 bin is enough

i rang gregg pope who agreed that the 1 pick up every 2 weeks wasnt enough but he has no control over the council so he couldnt help me


The bins work out at about 60p per week per household
35 thousand pounds would have got a lot of bins emptied for people then wouldnt it and helped keep our streets cleaner

how much did that funfair on broadway cost again i cant quite put my finger on the amount

i dont even work for the council and like you pointed out i am STUPID yet for some strange reason even a STUPID person like me can figure out that the money from one pathetic venture alone could have gone a long way in paying for weekly collections of the bins

please feel free to call me any other name you feel will distract peoples attention away from HBC'S incompitant handleing of OUR money

Bazf 16-06-2005 02:17

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Chav has some good points that have not been answered like how much the mayor making cost and how many bins could have been emptied with the money? while looking at that look at your maths, Accrington has a population of 32,746 and is part of the borough of Hyndburn which has a population of 79,000. so 800 x 79,000 = 63200000 div by 52 (weeks) =121.54 we are not talking pence here we are talking pounds so 60p comes from where? While we mention our poor hard done by bin men which the council seem to want to protect with new rules every other week, can't get out and actually move bins, to hard for them? what is there job, to empty bins only if the wagon can reverse to the back gate, or if they have to do more then 4hrs work(I say this in jest) a day then we must up thier wages, lets charge more council tax. So what are our eminent councilors doing about this, getting themselves in the paper so that the average joe sees they are doing something about it, no, one comes on here and tries to belittle a concerned resident and starts calling him names and doesn't even bother answering the questions, must have been asked by a damed conserative, nazi,independent, liberal type git not a good old labor head in the sand type guy.

chav1 16-06-2005 03:00

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
i will be the first to admit i can be an a$$hole about some things but on this matter i feel totaly justified in what i say

HBC simply fails in its duty to keep accrington clean period and has shifted the resposibilty of keeping accrington clean onto members of the public who they then make it impossible or at least verry dificult to do so by putting restrictions on how many pickups we get and threaten us with heavy fines of up to £1000 if we dare make too much rubbish for 1 wheelie bin and put extra bags out for collection rather than have waste food and babys nappies rotting away in our homes

our council tax bills are for ever increasing yet the services we recieve get poorer and poorer

the council wasted countless amounts of our money on hair brained schemes and its us the people who suffer from it

call me what you like but i will tell you exactly what i am

i am an average person who is sick and fed up of HBC'S incompitance destroying his home town and making it one of the dirtiest places in the united kingdom and this may come as a shock to you but many people agree with me

you want to call me names and throw insults go right ahead and let everyone remeber the polititian who couldnt even keep his cool on a website and lost the plot over a STUPID chav

WillowTheWhisp 16-06-2005 07:10

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Bazf
Accrington has a population of 32,746 and is part of the borough of Hyndburn which has a population of 79,000. so 800 x 79,000 = 63200000 div by 52 (weeks) =121.54 we are not talking pence here we are talking pounds so 60p comes from where?

I'm not defending HBC's ability (or lack thereof) to keep the borough clean but I think this is a case of a slight misunderstanding. The £800 quoted covers many other things and not just the refuse collection. If 60p goes to that then £121.94 goes to other things. We all receive a breakdown of those costs when we get our new council tax bills each year. I don't have the latest one to hand so I can't quote any figures. Perhaps Graham could come back and do that for us?

The wheelie bin system is a bit of a farce though and surely there must be a case for families to have more than one bin where necessary and for the rubbish to be disposed of in the correct manner by the correct people and then there wouldn't be any need for £1-a-bag men to go around fly tipping. I can just about manage most fortnights to cram my unrecyclable stuff into one wheelie bin but a larger family or one with a baby in nappies would obviously have more rubbish than us.

Incidentally, yesterday I put cardboard on top of the bin and that went, but we also had a bag full of old tatty and broken coat hangers and that went too, not sure if it was HBC or the burglars though!!

Neil 16-06-2005 07:34

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Incidentally, yesterday I put cardboard on top of the bin and that went........

You are not supposed to put cardboard into your grey bin. It is the only side waste the council will take at the moment (officially). If you put your cardboard into a bag and leave it next to your bin they will take it. I have collected enough card in a fortnight to half fill my grey bin sometimes ( othertimes hardly any). It surprises me how much card I throw away. HBC are not yet recycling card but hope to sometime.

WillowTheWhisp 16-06-2005 12:05

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
They may not be recycling it but they do put it in a separate skip up at Whinney Hill. The reason I mentioned both the cardbord and the bag of coathangers is that one was "acceptable" and the other "unacceptable" and yet both were taken! There's a lack of consistency when they ar fining some people for having more than a bin's worth.. My view is that if it's rubbish and presented as rubbish and obviously not disposable any other way (such as recycling) then it should be taken away with the rubbish.

Less 16-06-2005 12:21

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
My view is that if it's rubbish and presented as rubbish and obviously not disposable any other way (such as recycling) then it should be taken away with the rubbish.

I'm with you all the way on this one willow, just after World War 2 I bought a second-hand battleship (it was going cheap the Germans were having a closing down sale), my plan was to float it on the canal at week-ends much to my disappointment when I got it home I found that the canal is non-tidal thus resulting in it not being deep enough.

It won't fit in my bin, I have left it by the side of the bin for a number of weeks and the binmen have blatently refused to take it, we have not been issued with either a bag or a box that can be used to re-cycle several thousand tons of steel so it is obviously rubbish, I wish one of the pen-pushers down at the town hall would stop sending me threatening letters and do something about it!

chav1 16-06-2005 12:37

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
B4 ,C4,D4,E4

Ille sink your battleship less lol

Less 16-06-2005 12:52

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by chav1
B4 ,C4,D4,E4

Ille sink your battleship less lol

B4 you get carried away, C4 yourself, D4 main reasons you missed, E4 the love of mike I wouldn't put my battleship in such an obvious position!

WillowTheWhisp 16-06-2005 12:55

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
You been sleeping in the knife drawer Less?

lettie 16-06-2005 17:32

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Here is todays update on the rubbish. You guessed it, it is still there. Some of it now has orange notices attatched proclaiming that it has been seen by an inspector and that some prosecutions may be pending. It may have been seen but it has not been moved. If the powers that be knew about this on Monday it has taken 4 days for anyone to actually turn up and view the rubbish. How long will it be before it is removed? It has now been there for 7 days.:rolleyes:

cashman 17-06-2005 08:36

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
i wonder if the orange notices are classed as rubbish- they should be this is RED TAPE gone mad,its as easy to throw it in a van and take it to the council yard then inspect it at lesiure,also surely more cost effective.

lettie 17-06-2005 09:19

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

As of first thing this morning the offending pile of rubbish has gone. I'm sure that we can all sleep easier knowing that it takes 8 days to remove potential health hazards in this borough.:rolleyes:

janet 17-06-2005 10:58

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Good news lettie, no doubt some one else will come along and leave more rubbish, cause they now know the council will eventually take it.

WillowTheWhisp 17-06-2005 12:32

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
:wave8: About time too.

Neil 17-06-2005 12:36

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by janet
Good news lettie, no doubt some one else will come along and leave more rubbish, cause they now know the council will eventually take it.

Good idea janet - its closer for me than Whinny Hill :D :D :D

Sparkologist 17-06-2005 14:54

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Graham Jones
...Thingshave been made more complicated because our excellent EH Officer Lee Haworth is leaving [another jumping from the 'good ship Tory'].

Please do tell us, Mr Jones why is it that you always appear to attempt to turn the majority of your posts into a political mud-slinging exercise???

If I remember rightly, the thread was asking, "Why if the bin-men have a refuse wagon parked next to a pile of rubbish, whilst emptying the wheelie bins, why the hell can they not be ar$ed to the remove the afore mentioned pile of rubbish?"

It is clear to see from this example that HBC's prime objective, regardless of which party is in power, is not keeping the streets clean, but keeping some jobsworth in office.

The residents of Hyndburn are not interested in mealy-mouthed excuses trying to justify council policies that are evidently not working. All we ask for is that our streets are cleaned in the fastest and most efficient manner possible! Having a large pile of rubbish languishing on a town centre street corner for eight days, whilst a paper-chasing exercise is put into motion to apportion blame is not efficient.

chav1 17-06-2005 15:29

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
well said sparkologist the current system does not work and threatening people with huge fines only gets peoples backs up

perhaps the council would get more respect if it stopped wasting our money on stupid things and actualy put our money to good use

the only bin that HBC and its cronies needs is the loony bin and maybe we can recycle the lot of them and get new ones who will look after our interests

it has become so bad that when voting people no longer vote for who will do their best for them but who they think will screw them the least

how do you become a councilor anyway ime half temepted to give it a go myself so there is at least one voice of reason down at HBC

i prommise to give all who need extra bins extra bins and abolish the £1000 fine for those that cant help but have that 1 extra bag of rubbish at the end of 2 weeks

vote chav1 you know it makes sense :D

Tealeaf 17-06-2005 15:38

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I've got to agree Sparko. Councillor Jones appears more concerned with political tittle-tattle rather than the simplest of local authority roles, namely that of keeping the streets clean and the bins emptied. Certainly, as regards the latter, there is no big secret....binmen should be instructed to pick up whatever rubbish is there, promptly and irrespective if whether its in a black bag or in a wheelie bin. The issue of the prosecution of fly tipping is a seperate matter and should be dealt with accordingly. By comparison to the waste collections of other local authorities,(of which I am well aware) HBC really do not appear up to the job.I don't think there is 'owt else to be said.

lettie 17-06-2005 15:43

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
The indiscrepancies in our refuse system are blatantly obvious thanks to Micks photos on the rubbish Accrington thread. It appears that if you put out your bin bags in the Blackburn Rd area of town they will be collected. Hmmmm, I wonder why?????

chav1 17-06-2005 15:49

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
carefull lettie you will get called the R word :stop:

Mick 17-06-2005 15:51

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Lettie Please it was not Rubbish Accrington thread it was rubbish AROUND Accrington .
I am not rubbishing Accrington well......... then again you might be right hehe

lettie 17-06-2005 15:54

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by mick
Lettie Please it was not Rubbish Accrington thread it was rubbish AROUND Accrington .
I am not rubbishing Accrington well......... then again you might be right hehe

Hehehehe, sorry Mick a little slip of the keyboard there on my part..:D

Debbie J 17-06-2005 16:25

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Has no body seen todays Observor? apparently HBC are going to clean up the 6 dirtiest spots around town. You may be asked by your local councillor for your views on the worst grott spots. PB says they are going to get tough but need our help. If by any chance it's because of all the views on here all I can say is 'POWER TO THE FINGER TIPS'

Less 17-06-2005 16:35

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
There are many things that can be done to improve the situation so far as rubbish is concerned congratulations to HBC and it's Accyweb spokesperson for choosing the cheapest option NOWT!

Can you imagine the fire brigade being run in a similar manner?

"Yes Madam we know you reported the fire three days ago, but what you must understand is that there are alot of fires in your area and we think they are often started by the same people. Therefore until we have done a thorough investigation with a view to prosecution, excuse me, it's time for our compulsory weekly tsking and the hand ringing ceremony, however in the mean time please be patient just because the situation seems urgent to you we cannot spare any Fire Engines until the situation is fully assessed.
All our operatives are busy form filling and if you contact us again we shall report you for harassment."

Sparkologist 17-06-2005 16:39

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by lettie
Hehehehe, sorry Mick a little slip of the keyboard there on my part..:D

Hmmm... A Freudian slip, peut-etre? :rolleyes:

Neil 17-06-2005 16:45

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Sparkologist
Please do tell us, Mr Jones why is it that you always appear to attempt to turn the majority of your posts into a political mud-slinging exercise???

I have seen that asked many times mate.
It does seem stupid why they did not pick up that rubbish if they were next to it.

Neil 17-06-2005 16:49

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Certainly, as regards the latter, there is no big secret....binmen should be instructed to pick up whatever rubbish is there, promptly and irrespective if whether its in a black bag or in a wheelie bin.

There is a big difference between a moutain of rubbish and the odd extra big bag. As soon as someone reports a large amount of rubbish it should be removed ( at least that day )

Come on Cllr Jones I am sure you could influence that. One of my ward cllr's managed to bring his stupid idea to life so you should have no problem with a good idea. Then again we are talking about HBC.

Graham Jones 17-06-2005 19:22

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by cashman
Originally Posted by chav1

i mean god forbid we should expect weekly clearance of rubbish or at least enough bins to accomodate a family for two weeks [Chav1]

[Cashman] without gettin into a slanging match graham whats crap about this point? and while your on the subject of rubbish i noticed you havent responded to a differant matter on the same subject ie,willows thread(theiving ******) if anythings crap mate its hbcs response to willows wheelie bin problem.

Whilst we have wheelie bins HBC cannot afford to empty them once a week as they cost twice as much as the black bag scheme to collect - excepting the environmental on costs.

Secondly, whilst debateable, we are informed by the powers that be that the average wheelie bin is big enough for 2 weeks if you recycle as well. Families of 6 or more may need a larger bin it is said. No I have not seen Wills thread.

There is alternate view in this town to the dictators' and I resent comments which tie me in to his policies like I think they are right. When you bash HBC you mean the Conservatives - lets be more precise when holding people accountable.

Graham Jones 17-06-2005 19:32

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Bazf
Chav has some good points that have not been answered like how much the mayor making cost and how many bins could have been emptied with the money? while looking at that look at your maths, Accrington has a population of 32,746 and is part of the borough of Hyndburn which has a population of 79,000. so 800 x 79,000 = 63200000 div by 52 (weeks) =121.54 we are not talking pence here we are talking pounds so 60p comes from where? While we mention our poor hard done by bin men which the council seem to want to protect with new rules every other week, can't get out and actually move bins, to hard for them? what is there job, to empty bins only if the wagon can reverse to the back gate, or if they have to do more then 4hrs work(I say this in jest) a day then we must up thier wages, lets charge more council tax. So what are our eminent councilors doing about this, getting themselves in the paper so that the average joe sees they are doing something about it, no, one comes on here and tries to belittle a concerned resident and starts calling him names and doesn't even bother answering the questions, must have been asked by a damed conserative, nazi,independent, liberal type git not a good old labor head in the sand type guy.

Chav has little good ideas on this thread, he is just anti-establishement and keen to label people regardless of the fact they may have a different opinion themselves to the established view.

Council Tax is per household, there are 35,000. £800 is band A [60% of properties]. 15% of which goes to HBC the bulk for education and SS at LCC. It comes to about £4million plus £8million from govt totalling £12m approx.

I went out and worked a full day on the bins in HBC [I used to be a binman in Blackburn so you can stick you daft insulting comments where the sun doesnt shine] and it is exceptionally hard work. I doubt you would last while dinnertime.

As for the Nazi stuff... just more nonsense. I dont respond to stupid commentary.

K.S.H 17-06-2005 19:32

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Graham Jones
Whilst we have wheelie bins HBC cannot afford to empty them once a week as they cost twice as much as the black bag scheme to collect

Why did we go down this route in the 1st place then?
It won't be long before we have to take our rubbish to the tip ourselves, thats after they have put a charge on it of coarse, they wont make us do it whilst its free !
Should I have said that? you never know who might be reading this:rolleyes:

Graham Jones 17-06-2005 19:43

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Sparkologist

Please do tell us, Mr Jones why is it that you always appear to attempt to turn the majority of your posts into a political mud-slinging exercise???


Originally Posted by Neil
I have seen that asked many times mate.
It does seem stupid why they did not pick up that rubbish if they were next to it.

Have you tried discussing things rationally and politely? Instead of making cheap innuendo Neil, why dont you try speaking to people reasonably and getting to know them. It works miracles mate.

Graham Jones 17-06-2005 19:49

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Neil
There is a big difference between a moutain of rubbish and the odd extra big bag. As soon as someone reports a large amount of rubbish it should be removed ( at least that day )

Come on Cllr Jones I am sure you could influence that. One of my ward cllr's managed to bring his stupid idea to life so you should have no problem with a good idea. Then again we are talking about HBC.

How many times?????

Labour has said that if we win, black bags at the side will be collected. Whew!! just another 3 thousand times to repeat it now....

We lean as much as we can. The Tories have just banned Cllr Pritchard from the works department for trying to 'help residents complaints'

chav1 17-06-2005 20:12

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
chav is anti establishment...?

jesus christ that went out with the sex pistols lol

i am anti bollox though and thats exactly what the refuse sevice is at the moment

i obey the law and i pay my taxes but i however feel that i have the right to complain when annoyed at somthing and i cant help it if people agree with me

i have never dictated to people what they should think but if i disagree with what somone thinks i will say so

i am like this in the real world as well and will quite freely tell somone they are talking crap if i see fit to do so

now if labour mean it when they say they will clean up rubbish well good on them as long as no one gets threatened with stupid fines for not managing to cope with one bin

also if labour have picked up on the fact that binbags do indeed need to be collected as well as the wheelie bins then what is it that i have said is wrong because all i have been asking for is the binbags to be taken whether it be sorted by weekly pickups, extra bins or simply binmen picking them up as they go along

fireman 17-06-2005 20:43

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
With all the respect owing Cllr Jones only my wife and I live at our house we do recycle and agree totally with it "BUT" We have noticed that at the end of 2 weeks our grey bin is almost at bursting piont. The same applies to the blue box, the blue sack and the white sack. If this is the case for us then anyone with a couple of kids must really struggle. A family of 6 with the extra garbage caused by young kids must feel that they are on a hiding to nothing. Some of these people who make these statements ie. a wheelie bin should be large enough to accomodate rubbish from a family of six are honestly living in cloud cuckoo land and probably are university grads with loads of degrees but very lacking in common sense, never having experienced bringing up a family. These people doing the complaining have the experience and are telling you the truth. Maybe it is time for you and HBC to listen to it's residents and take on board what they say. After all if 6 people say you look ill its time to lay down.

Neil 17-06-2005 21:45

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Graham Jones
Labour has said that if we win, black bags at the side will be collected. Whew!! just another 3 thousand times to repeat it now....

I can't believe you would ever do that ( take the extra bags that is ).
If you did the recycling system would just fall apart. I believe the vast majority of homes would just fill extra bags and recycle nothing just because it is easy.
Anyway what would be the point in having wheelie bins if you are going to take bin bags? Bin bags cause a lot of the rubbish we see blowing around the streets ( thanks to cats and idiots puting them out days early ).

fireman 17-06-2005 21:48

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
I agree that would be taking the easy way out. Listen to what is being said and act on that.

Neil 17-06-2005 21:49

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by fireman
only my wife and I live at our house we do recycle and agree totally with it "BUT" We have noticed that at the end of 2 weeks our grey bin is almost at bursting piont.

We have 3 children and we manage ok with one grey bin. I see other houses with smaller families and there bins have a couple of black bags on top with the lid open. I think that a lot of people are still not trying to recycle. Cardboard is a big bin filler yet people are still putting it in grey bins.

I must admit that I uaually have to squash the rubbish down in the bin.

Mick 19-06-2005 07:17

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
2 Attachment(s)
They were quick enough to clean up outside the town hall after the Accrington Carnival

chav1 19-06-2005 07:36

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
shoulda taken the christmas lights down while the were at it :D

fireman 19-06-2005 09:14

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Must admit Neil we don't leap aboard and squash it down but it.s always full after two weeks.

Originally Posted by Neil
We have 3 children and we manage ok with one grey bin. I see other houses with smaller families and there bins have a couple of black bags on top with the lid open. I think that a lot of people are still not trying to recycle. Cardboard is a big bin filler yet people are still putting it in grey bins.

I must admit that I uaually have to squash the rubbish down in the bin.

Neil 19-06-2005 09:52

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by fireman
Must admit Neil we don't leap aboard and squash it down but it.s always full after two weeks.

Me neither, but I know a man that does. He comes on here as well :D

fireman 19-06-2005 09:54

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
Sad. Isn't it.

Originally Posted by Neil
Me neither, but I know a man that does. He comes on here as well :D

cashman 19-06-2005 14:07

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!
its not sad ian its downright annoying,most 2weeks its enough,but sometimes its not an i have to squash it down,to make room and as i;m getting near the coffin dodger stage i know its getting near to when i will not be able to climb up,

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