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SPUGGIE J 02-01-2007 11:59

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
Lolly with the situation the way it is in Iraq this show of "victory" by the supporters of groups opposed to Saddam will only make things worse. The fact that the exicution party rubbed it in will only enflame the chaos even mor between the Sunni's of which Saddam was one and the Shia who are now in power and hell bent on getting payback. The chaos will grow and as with all messes like this its the innocent that suffer.

bullseyebarb 02-01-2007 19:19

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J (Post 359772)
Lolly with the situation the way it is in Iraq this show of "victory" by the supporters of groups opposed to Saddam will only make things worse. The fact that the exicution party rubbed it in will only enflame the chaos even mor between the Sunni's of which Saddam was one and the Shia who are now in power and hell bent on getting payback. The chaos will grow and as with all messes like this its the innocent that suffer.

Just checked in with the Fadhil brothers in Baghdad. The two latest posts cover Saddam's execution and the fractures developing within the various Shia factions. Interesting firsthand take on events there.

harwood red 02-01-2007 19:21

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
Bizarrely when back to work today and just before lunch a colleague of mine said that he thought he overheard someone say this morning that saddam had been executed and was it true???

WHERE THE HELL HAD HE BEEN ???????? :confused:

He also said he had been watching the news but must have missed that bit!!!! :rolleyes:

SPUGGIE J 02-01-2007 19:25

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb (Post 359986)
Just checked in with the Fadhil brothers in Baghdad. The two latest posts cover Saddam's execution and the fractures developing within the various Shia factions. Interesting firsthand take on events there.

A bit of an eye opener there.

WillowTheWhisp 02-01-2007 21:24

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
I'll come back to that link in a minute. I'm just watching a program about the CIA and am quite horrfied at how many foreign governments have been manipulated over the years with tragic consequences.

WillowTheWhisp 02-01-2007 21:40

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
Just read the link and the entry on December 29th more than justifies the filming of the execution, if people had previously been saying he was already dead and then film of him alive was seen, who is to say that after the real execution someone would not have shown an old film and claimed he was still alive?

cashman 02-01-2007 22:52

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by Lolly (Post 359761)
I have just been looking at the news on the BBC Website and John Prescott has said that the way the executioners behaved was deplorable!!

What is he on about?? He deserved everything he got!! I'd have told him to go to Hell to. Joining the likes of Hitler & Pol Pot. The man was pure evil and deserved to die in that way aswell, just like he killed all those other people.

i was in favour of the evil git being topped lolly,but for once i believe prescott is right, any execution should be carried out as humanely as possible all this farce has acheived to me is to fuel the hatred even more.and to those whose view is no execution i say put your hand on your heart and reach the same conclusion if your family/friends had been butchered by saddam.

garinda 02-01-2007 23:02

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
One of Saddam's prosecutors was a witness at the execution, and today said to the press that the illegal filming of the execution on a mobile phone was carried out by an Iraqi government offical. Not a very wise thing to do as the country heads faster towards civil war.

The number of US service personnel last weekend reached 3,000.

The day Saddam was executed 77 Iraqis were killed by bombs detonated by fellow Iraqis.

At least Iraq is 'free' eh?

WillowTheWhisp 03-01-2007 08:00

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
If the mobile phone filmer hadn't released that video people would have believed the official version of events though wouldn't they? So did he do the right thing?

grego 03-01-2007 09:21

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
I think Saddam got what he deserved but I dont want to see the hanging on the news especially before the watershed, more concerned about my 4 yr old daughter seeing it, had to keep changing the channel.

garinda 03-01-2007 09:46

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp (Post 360163)
If the mobile phone filmer hadn't released that video people would have believed the official version of events though wouldn't they? So did he do the right thing?

No this wasn't the offical film. According to the prosecutor and offical witness, the highly placed government offical was filming it illegally on his mobile, whilst shouting insults.

Not wise. Fanning the flames, I think it's called.

WillowTheWhisp 03-01-2007 10:23

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
That's my point though. If there hadn't been the illegal alternate version then we'd only have had the legal official version and not the full facts. Was he the only one shouting insults? It sounded like a lot of voices to me even though I didn't know what they were saying. Maybe the officials are trying to whitewash as best they can by claiming it was only the illegal filmer who was doing the insulting?

garinda 03-01-2007 10:27

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp (Post 360205)
That's my point though. If there hadn't been the illegal alternate version then we'd only have had the legal official version and not the full facts. Was he the only one shouting insults? It sounded like a lot of voices to me even though I didn't know what they were saying. Maybe the officials are trying to whitewash as best they can by claiming it was only the illegal filmer who was doing the insulting?

The prosecutor wasn't a Sunni Muslim, he said he tried to stop the execution because of the undignified mayhem.

Perhaps some people would have preferred a public execution, so every doubting Thomas would believe Saddam was really dead.

mthead 03-01-2007 11:58

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
Just seen it on Sky News,the guy who released the non official video footage has been arrested,in Iraq.

mthead 03-01-2007 12:10

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 360188)
No this wasn't the offical film. According to the prosecutor and offical witness, the highly placed government offical was filming it illegally on his mobile, whilst shouting insults.

Not wise. Fanning the flames, I think it's called.

Even Sadam himself it said was shouting insults back at the people in the room.Apparently calling them 'Persians' which it said is an insult usually thrown at Iranian and other Arabs who are not Sunni.

WillowTheWhisp 03-01-2007 12:15

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by mthead (Post 360237)
Just seen it on Sky News,the guy who released the non official video footage has been arrested,in Iraq.

Now you see, I may be cynical here, but I can't help wondering if that is because they couldn't keep up the pretence that he was treated with dignity to the end.

Church Boy 03-01-2007 13:02

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
This is the Spark that will light the fire of Vengeance from Saddam's follower's,and most probably unite them alongside their religious enemy's against the West.Personal problem's in the Arab world can alway's be sorted out later between themselves.Church Boy

SPUGGIE J 03-01-2007 13:17

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
The whole Arab world is on a knife edge and could explode with such violence that it all starts to spread like a cold. The first target would be the U.S/Brit forces in Afganistan and Iraq quickly followed by Israel. Israel would have no quarms about taking on the Arab states that threaten her and would ignore the international community in order to, in their eyes sort out the Arabs once and for all.

WillowTheWhisp 03-01-2007 13:22

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
The prog I watched last night about CIA interference in the government of countries from Afghanistan to Chile gave me a whole new perspective on the state of the world. How many times had they made matters worse for everyone?

Ianto.W. 04-01-2007 00:03

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp (Post 360286)
The prog I watched last night about CIA interference in the government of countries from Afghanistan to Chile gave me a whole new perspective on the state of the world. How many times had they made matters worse for everyone?

Just why oh why do these morons think they have the universal panacea to the entire worlds problems? America the so called richest most powerful nation on earth has problems enough of its own, without trying to play god to the rest of the world. 'Physician heal thyself'.

steeljack 04-01-2007 00:49

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. (Post 360638)
Just why oh why do these morons think they have the universal panacea to the entire worlds problems? America the so called richest most powerful nation on earth has problems enough of its own, without trying to play god to the rest of the world. 'Physician heal thyself'. careful .........Bullseyebarb will have you in her sights :D :D :D :D

on a serious note .....I find the public airing of the execution a poor reflection the "democratically' elected Govt. we installed and proping up, seems to me we have gone from one bunch of thugs to another :confused:

Ianto.W. 04-01-2007 01:13

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

steeljack careful .........Bullseyebarb will have you in her sights
Time someone livened things up mate, threads are a bit mundane lately, I think we must all be suffering from New Year hangovers. Yes the filming of the 'execution' was obscene to say the least, a totally degrading spectacle.

WillowTheWhisp 04-01-2007 07:38

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by steeljack (Post 360645)
I find the public airing of the execution a poor reflection the "democratically' elected Govt. we installed and proping up, seems to me we have gone from one bunch of thugs to another :confused:

They are now saying that the execution was not carried out by officials but by Saddam's enemies who had forced the officials out of the way and taken over. The problem is that there cannot be a democracy where certain sections of the population believe that other sections of the population could never represent them. Looking at the violence out there now it's perhaps understandable when someone rules by force. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying you can see why it happens.

The 'democratically elected' leader sounds like he's had enough.

Ianto.W. 04-01-2007 10:52

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
Garibaldi could not unite Iraq, the only feasible solution to this problem would be 'in the absence of another dictator', to fragment iraq into self managing areas, people inevitably will chose to move as they did in India. But it would seem to be the only way to avoid a bloodbath.

chav1 04-01-2007 12:33

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. (Post 360646)
T Yes the filming of the 'execution' was obscene to say the least, a totally degrading spectacle.

good , why the hell should he have been allowed to die with any shred of dignity,he shoudl have been tourtured to the point that he was begging to die , i say he got off pretty lightly compared to the way people suffered when he killed them

SPUGGIE J 04-01-2007 13:07

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by chav1 (Post 360809)
good , why the hell should he have been allowed to die with any shred of dignity,he shoudl have been tourtured to the point that he was begging to die , i say he got off pretty lightly compared to the way people suffered when he killed them

Maybe if Geo w Bush wasnt involed it could well have happened and it would have been on Iraqi TV.

Ianto.W. 04-01-2007 13:28

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by chav1 (Post 360809)
good , why the hell should he have been allowed to die with any shred of dignity,he shoudl have been tourtured to the point that he was begging to die , i say he got off pretty lightly compared to the way people suffered when he killed them

The point is chav1, will the young people who will inevitably view this sick footage, think this is the correct way to behave, it did the executioners no credit to lower themseves to Saddam Hussains level.

chav1 04-01-2007 15:40

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
treat scum like scum i say

this is why we will never win teh war against the people who follow saddam and terrorists etc

as long as we are bound by moral codes and rules of war , fair treatment of prisoners etc they will always have the upper hand

if they capture one of our guys he gets tortured , beheaded and his carcas defiled yet if we catch one of tehir guys he is protected by laws and rights given to him by the very people he wants dead

if we were at war with a country like germany or france then rules of war would be followed by both sides as both sides are capable of moral understandings but terrorists and the likes of saddam have no value for human life what so ever and will exploit our weakness as they see it to its full potential

they should be treated like wild animals and simply put down

no body with any morals would like to do it but if that is what it takes to rid ourselves of terrorists , extreemists and fundamentalists then so be it

KIPAX 04-01-2007 15:46

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by chav1 (Post 360882)
no body with any morals would like to do it but if that is what it takes to rid ourselves of terrorists , extreemists and fundamentalists then so be it

how would it get rid of them.. they would be too scared to do it? is that the theory... hmm slightly flawed don't you think..

chav1 04-01-2007 15:55

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by KIPAX (Post 360887)
how would it get rid of them.. they would be too scared to do it? is that the theory... hmm slightly flawed don't you think..

nope .............

next question

KIPAX 04-01-2007 15:57

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed... question.. are you just ranting and even though you know your posts are flawed and unworkable your just enjoying the rant..

Or do you really think it would work... the fact that it wouldnt being irrelevant..?

well? :)


cashman 04-01-2007 21:54

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
if we were at war with a country like germany or france then rules of war would be followed by both sides as both sides are capable of moral understandings but terrorists and the likes of saddam have no value for human life what so ever and will exploit our weakness as they see it to its full potential------------------------------------------------------------------your on a bad errand with germany chav( capable of moral understanding) think a lot will disagree with that un.;)

garinda 04-01-2007 22:09

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
What amazes me about all the people knitting whilst the 'evil' dictator hangs, is that he has been 'evil', ie: responsible for thousands of deaths, for decades, yet no one said a word.

Dear Baroness Thatcher gave warm praise recently on the death of her old friend, ex-Argentinian President General Pinochet. A man responsible for thousands of deaths of innocent people. Whilst on a visit to Britain a Spanish court tried to extradite him, so he could stand trial for crimes against humanity. The British courts refused Thatcher's chum the chance to pay for his evil crimes and let him go. Sweet.

All that time, literally decades, the West saw Saddam as a 'friendly', stable power in the Middle East. We had trade and diplomatic relations with Iraq, and indeed kept good old British industry going by selling arms to them, including the nerve gas he used to gas the Kurds.

So to all the sheep, glad that 'evil' Saddam has hung, do try and open your eyes to all the other dictators throughout the world, just as evil, but no where near as well placed to the world's largest oil reserves.

bullseyebarb 07-01-2007 21:16

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
The Iraqis missed a golden opportunity here. The message should have been - the past is dead and we are moving on to a better future. Instead, the setting was all wrong and the participants ghastly. The execution should never have been taped for public viewing. Washington was careless in the final moments of Saddam's life and this is a perfect example of America's hands-off approach which has encouraged too many meddling fingers. The Iraq government is new and weak. It needs shaping up and is likely to get that in 2007. That said, the bottom line is - Saddam is gone. Moqtada al-Sadr should be next.

It's a fact, garinda, that oil fuels our economies. There will not be any workable alternatives on a mass scale for quite some time. Therefore, stability in world oil markets is crucial.

The media and critics of the Iraq war have done a masterful job of separating it from the overall war against Islamic terrorism. However, it is an integral part of the whole.

steeljack 07-01-2007 21:57

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb (Post 363108)
It's a fact, garinda, that oil fuels our economies. There will not be any workable alternatives on a mass scale for quite some time. Therefore, stability in world oil markets is crucial.


Barb a couple of points I want to pass by you .
1, So you agree , that is the reason we invaded and occupied a soveriegn state , for the oil .........and I suppose you find nothing wrong with the fact ,if this weekends news reports are to be believed that the Iraqi minisiter for natural resources will this week sign an order handing over total control all petroleum and gas exploration, development and production to 3 American energy companies for the next 30 years in return for 'royalty' payments.
Barb, if I was a little bare-assed raggy arab who had nothing else to lose , no matter what religion, I would be out there wanting the "foriegn devils" out,a matter of national pride, and I really expect the insurgancy to increase with increasing support from the average Arab in the street , with anti-American feeling spreading from Morroco right through the Gulf .
2, Something I don't think Washington understands is the idea that nationalism is a new/ alien concept in the Middle-east, these folks are muslims first, then sunni or shia,then tribe, then Iraqi, Egyptian, Yemeni .
Nasser, Saddam Hussien, the Late Shah. Assad (senior) in Syria were all secularists who tried to push nationalism and each one failed and the Mosques remained in control. This is where the terrorism is coming from, in another recent thread photos were posted of the recent Hajj to Mecca, you want fervancy and brainwashing check out the pics, 3 or 4 million pilgrims at a time all obeying and following the mullahs rules maybe a poor analogy but the Nuremberg rallies were childrens tea-parties compared the mass hysteria generated during the Hajj.

garinda 08-01-2007 00:04

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb (Post 363108)
The Iraqis missed a golden opportunity here. The message should have been - the past is dead and we are moving on to a better future. Instead, the setting was all wrong and the participants ghastly. The execution should never have been taped for public viewing. Washington was careless in the final moments of Saddam's life and this is a perfect example of America's hands-off approach which has encouraged too many meddling fingers. The Iraq government is new and weak. It needs shaping up and is likely to get that in 2007. That said, the bottom line is - Saddam is gone. Moqtada al-Sadr should be next.

It's a fact, garinda, that oil fuels our economies. There will not be any workable alternatives on a mass scale for quite some time. Therefore, stability in world oil markets is crucial.

The media and critics of the Iraq war have done a masterful job of separating it from the overall war against Islamic terrorism. However, it is an integral part of the whole.

We agree on the first point re: the execution, and the way it was carried out. Is this the start of a beautiful friendship for the New Year?

Of course I disagree where you disagreed with me in the second part of your post.

Oh well, back to square one.:D

Ianto.W. 08-01-2007 00:38

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

steeljack Hajj to Mecca, you want fervancy and brainwashing check out the pics, 3 or 4 million pilgrims at a time all obeying and following the mullahs rules maybe a poor analogy but the Nuremberg rallies were childrens tea-parties compared the mass hysteria generated during the Hajj.
At long last one wise member has seen the light, I just hope the manure stays out of the fan in my lifetime, selfish maybe but once in a lifetime is enough.

WillowTheWhisp 08-01-2007 08:32

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
It will get worse before it gets better and I don't think it will be that long in coming now. :(

guru 09-01-2007 12:00

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
I think Saddams hanging was disgusting, yes he deserved to be locked away for how long he had left and i think in my opinion a death sentence is no punishment, as as soon as that trapdoor opens the suffering ends, were as being kept alive and knowing you will never be free is alot more of a punishment. Also what disgusts me more is that the coalition troops capture Saddam keep him alive, and then give him to there enemy, what i mean by this is that while he was being hung they were shouting long live Muqtada al-Sadr now come on, this man is responsible for most of the coalition forces deaths and we hand over Saddam to the Iraqi security forces who support this man, have we really handed over power in iraq to the right people or are we creating a bigger problem soon to come with iraq, iran, and syria.

mthead 09-01-2007 12:44

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
Yet another sordid film has been put on the internet.It depicts Saddam on the slab with a gapping net wound.Wonder when its going to end.

bullseyebarb 09-01-2007 18:59

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by steeljack (Post 363165)
Barb a couple of points I want to pass by you .
1, So you agree , that is the reason we invaded and occupied a soveriegn state , for the oil .........and I suppose you find nothing wrong with the fact ,if this weekends news reports are to be believed that the Iraqi minisiter for natural resources will this week sign an order handing over total control all petroleum and gas exploration, development and production to 3 American energy companies for the next 30 years in return for 'royalty' payments.
Barb, if I was a little bare-assed raggy arab who had nothing else to lose , no matter what religion, I would be out there wanting the "foriegn devils" out,a matter of national pride, and I really expect the insurgancy to increase with increasing support from the average Arab in the street , with anti-American feeling spreading from Morroco right through the Gulf .
2, Something I don't think Washington understands is the idea that nationalism is a new/ alien concept in the Middle-east, these folks are muslims first, then sunni or shia,then tribe, then Iraqi, Egyptian, Yemeni .
Nasser, Saddam Hussien, the Late Shah. Assad (senior) in Syria were all secularists who tried to push nationalism and each one failed and the Mosques remained in control. This is where the terrorism is coming from, in another recent thread photos were posted of the recent Hajj to Mecca, you want fervancy and brainwashing check out the pics, 3 or 4 million pilgrims at a time all obeying and following the mullahs rules maybe a poor analogy but the Nuremberg rallies were childrens tea-parties compared the mass hysteria generated during the Hajj.

1. No, I don't agree. There were many facets to this, going back to Gulf I, where we so foolishly made truce with Saddam after kicking him out of Kuwait. It was inevitable that at some point we would be forced to resume hostilities.

Before 9/11, the U.S. Intelligence community never penetrated the senior leadership of either Iraq or al Qaeda - two of America's most dangerous and determined enemies. The majority opinion, (with only a few dissenters), believed that secularist Iraqis would never work with radicals like Osama bin Laden and that fundamentalists would never cooperate with an infidel like Saddam Hussein. The journalist Bob Woodward interviewed the head of the Iraq operations group at the CIA, who told him that CIA reporting sources inside Iraq before the war were thin. How thin? "I can count them on one hand," he said, "and still pick my nose." The agency simply wasn't focused on this and, therefore, their majority opinion turned out to be dead wrong.

We now know much more about Iraq and terrorism. In the three and a half plus years since the war began the U.S. government has collected more than two million documents. These include payroll logs, audio and videotapes, strategy memos between senior Iraqi regime officials, letters between government agencies and computer hard drives of top Iraqi ministers. Saddam himself had formulated a plan for insurgency post any future war. However, the U.S. intelligence community has only translated and analyzed about five percent of the documents captured, some of which have been released for public viewing. They don't seem in too much of a hurry to delve into the rest. Why? Could it be CYA at the CIA?

We know that Iraq harbored several of the world's most notorious terrorists - Abu Abbas and Abu Nidal among them. It also gave safe haven to al Zarqawi when he was forced to flee Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban. Within days of the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, Saddam's government facilitated the escape from U.S. authorities of the Iraqi who mixed the chemicals for that bombing. Less than two months later, his intelligence service botched an attempt to assassinate George H.W. Bush during a visit to Kuwait. Saddam trained and funded terrorists, including Abu Sayyef, the al Qaeda affiliate in the Philippines, and supplied chemical weapons expertise to terrorist-friendly Islamic fundamentalists in Sudan. In 1995 a senior Iraqi intelligence official met with Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda propaganda was broadcast on Iraqi government-run t.v. Iraqi financial records confirm that the government supported, harbored and financed Abdul Rahman Yasin, the 1993 WTC bomber throughout the 1990's. And this is just the tip of the iceburg.

I have no problem with the current Iraqi government inking a deal with U.S. energy companies. Who should they have called.....PEMEX? I think not. They want to increase production and revenues and are looking for investment and expertise.

Frankly, I don't care whether people in the Middle-East like America or not. I'd much prefer that they live in deadly fear of what we will do to them if they support terrorism and promote mayhem around the world.

garinda 10-01-2007 00:24

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb (Post 364419)
Frankly, I don't care whether people in the Middle-East like America or not. I'd much prefer that they live in deadly fear of what we will do to them if they support terrorism and promote mayhem around the world.

What about the known links and funding for terrorism that comes from Saudi Arabia?

Oh yes I forgot, they are friends of the West.;)

bullseyebarb 12-01-2007 18:18

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 364667)
What about the known links and funding for terrorism that comes from Saudi Arabia?

Oh yes I forgot, they are friends of the West.;)

No, they are not our friends and I put them in the same category as the other funders of terrorism.

garinda 12-01-2007 19:27

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb (Post 366257)
No, they are not our friends and I put them in the same category as the other funders of terrorism.

Well someone better inform Tony and George Dubya of our close trade, and diplomatic links them then.

This link makes interesting reading concerning the West bending over backwards to the oil rich Saudis, particularly in their attitude to American female service personnel.

steeljack 12-01-2007 19:45

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 366294)
Well someone better inform Tony and George Dubya of our close trade, and diplomatic links them then.

This link makes interesting reading concerning the West bending over backwards to the oil rich Saudis, particularly in their attitude to American female service personnel.

maybe if Bush and Blair did a little bit more protecting the traditions and cultures of their own countries like the Saudis protect theirs we would have a bit less friction in our societies, :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

bullseyebarb 12-01-2007 20:12

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...

Originally Posted by steeljack (Post 366305)
maybe if Bush and Blair did a little bit more protecting the traditions and cultures of their own countries like the Saudis protect theirs we would have a bit less friction in our societies, :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Amen to that!

WillowTheWhisp 12-01-2007 23:43

Re: Saddam Hussain Executed...
There's irony in there somewhere but it's a bit too late at night for my brain to be fully active now.

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