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cashman 10-08-2007 12:19

Re: Are you political?

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 458498)
Yes, it's strange how some members join Accy Web using offical HBC email accounts based at Scaitcliffe House.;)

while you may think its strange, i would think its Sneaky,Cowardly,Political Animals who have not got the conviction,to substansiate allegations made to the media,funny i thought farrer had a fair point in his letter (about the elderly) but he had already destroyed any support from me by starting off with his tirade of lies,dont know the man but people like this must have very few "Real Friends".

Margaret Pilkington 10-08-2007 12:42

Re: Are you political?
Well, I suppose it depends what you mean by 'Elderly' I fit into that category....I am a pensioner? I think there are many silver surfers who would have no problems in accessing their member of Parliament via his e-mail see...this is what I mean by generalisation.
I would like to see the evidence his assumptions are based on, but I don't think I ever will.

Another thing that was mentioned was that the forum is a medium of 'here and now'...meaning that you can give an immediate response. I agree that you can give an immediate response if you wish to, but you can also take your time and deliver a considered and calculated response too, if you wish, but you don't actually have to respond at all if you don't want to.

I respect the people in local/national politics who come on here and do not hide under a pen-name, it says to me that these people are not trying to hide their motives and are open about what they are saying. The same cannot be said of Mr Farrer.

Margaret Pilkington 10-08-2007 12:50

Re: Are you political?
My main problem with our esteemed leader(!) is that he bigs himself up too much without too much substance to back up his claims. I don't think he has done very much to put HBC on the map....and the things he has been noticed for are risable...need I mention Tea-bags?

Wynonie Harris 10-08-2007 12:55

Re: Are you political?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 458542)
I respect the people in local/national politics who come on here and do not hide under a pen-name, it says to me that these people are not trying to hide their motives and are open about what they are saying. The same cannot be said of Mr Farrer.

Got to agree. Greg Pope, Graham Jones and Gayle are all quite willing to come on here and defend their views. I might not always agree with their opinions, but, in my view, they're honest, they're open and they have the courage of their convictions.

So why can't Tory councillors and local party members do the same? Is it because they've not got the bottle?

flashy 10-08-2007 13:50

Re: Are you political?
ive looked through this weeks observer twice and still cant find where it says that about accyweb.....HELP!!! what page is it on?

Margaret Pilkington 10-08-2007 13:53

Re: Are you political?
Letters page, down at the bottom of the page...entitled 'elderly would prefer face to face'....or something of that ilk......don't have the paper in front of me right now.

cashman 10-08-2007 13:54

Re: Are you political?

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 458565)
ive looked through this weeks observer twice and still cant find where it says that about accyweb.....HELP!!! what page is it on?

letters page

SPUGGIE J 10-08-2007 14:19

Re: Are you political?
Appoligies in advance for this "little rant" but from were I am looking in its a bit of a mess down there at the moment and it saddens me that my home town is in this quandry.:(

If it came down to voting with your head and not where your heart lies then a lot of those in power at all levels of govenment would not be were they are now. Lets for the moment say that Hyndburn's voters had a broad spectrum of views but no real ties to any party would those in power be there if heads ruled over hearts? Its easy for them once in power (any party) to think "oh we must have a large support in the borough so lets give them what they want or believe what they want (their own voters) as a reward". Though how can they be sure that those that voted are the "swaggering class" (personal thought) and not say a pensioner looking for a better deal? Alas though 20% of the votes they recieved could be those of the heads over hearts group who if upset enough could swing it the otherway. Then what happens is that they might lean heavy to one group while ignoring another group.? It starts by them forgetting they are there in power to serve all people in the borough not the selected band. They upset enough people and they are out on a limb and out of power and all because they have a set of blinkers on.

Recently I had to vote with my head over my heart and it is not easy and never will be but sometimes it has to be done. If a change is wanted badley enough and something you want is being offered by another party then let your head decide. The days of being left right or centre are dying off as we march forward polititions have to appeal to all sections of society and the differences might only be minor. All the major parties have evoled because they know they cannot rely on the traditional sections of society that they had in the past to put them in office. Conservative students, middle class Labourites for example not what might be traditional 30 years ago. Cyfr defends his beliefs and good on him for that yet some of the more "esteemed" members of the administration wont and personally I hope he takes it further as he can breath new life into what is becoming a very staid and narrow minded self promoting bunch group.

Maybe in the not so distant future we an get those that fear what we say on here so that they can participate. We can all learn from this regardless of affiliation for the better of the community and it might spread country wide. I PM'd Greg when he joined and asked if he knew any other MP's were members of local forums and used them. I hope as the first or one of the first he can encourage other polititions at whatever level to use them and keep in tune with the voters for the benifit of all.

Finished for now.

lancsdave 10-08-2007 16:00

Re: Are you political?
I think Rindy already knew which way the poll would go when he set it up. He knew that there are various political persuasions on here. He was even so confident that most people do not have one political allegiance that the colours were given a lot of consideration. So much so, he was confident the PINK vote would win :D

bullseyebarb 10-08-2007 17:07

Re: Are you political?
I also voted, "None." From our little back and forths on this site, I think it's fair to say that I'm rather more libertarian/conservative than most of the other posters. Still, I would hardly describe AccyWebbers as rabid socialists. A bit misguided at times maybe. Ha, ha.

Who is this Farrer chappie anyway?

katex 10-08-2007 17:45

Re: Are you political?
I think your poll was worded slightly incorrectly Garinda, as some of the replies reflect. Should have been a little clearer that you may have been talking about local elections and not National, asking maybe the question of do you vote for your political leanings in local elections or the merit of the person standing for election, and if the former which one ? Think would have given us a more truistic picture. Although does appear to be showing this up a little as most people voting none, if this is the reason they voted that way.

To be honest, couldn't quite understand your letter to the Observer, except to praise him for helping Accymel out with her passport .. was it, therefore, in answer to John Farrer's letter of July 27th ? didn't pick that up .. thought you were just on an a$$-licking crusade .. :D

He was slightly out of order though, wasn't he ?.. think criticisms, by Accyweb members, have only been levied at PB on specific issues (including me re. the Hyndburn name change). Good to see that Lilly has had good words to say about him too. One excellent comment I noticed is that we have been promoted from Mafia to Clan by Mr. Farrer ... mmmm... yes, like that, has a lovely ring to it .. :D

garinda 10-08-2007 18:06

Re: Are you political?
The poll could have been worded differently, but it has proved a point. We are a varied and mixed bunch, and there is certainly no political unity on here. We are a wonderful and diverse group of people.

A little over two years ago, at the height of the debate over the Panopticon being sited on the Coppice, Gayle Knight's name, as the public face of Mid Pennine Arts, was mud. She was seen as the Devil incarnate.

She bit the bullet and became a member. She then started a thread asking us to leave any questions or comments. One memorable Sunday night she answered those question, and others we had, live. She may not have changed our minds about the proposed Panopticon, but she did gain respect from some unlikely sources for her truthfulness, and sheer hard work in trying to allay our fears.

Since the council decided we didn't need Hyndburn Life, wouldn't it be wonderful if our council leader did join the forum under his own name. I should imagine it would go someway to earning the respect of the people of the borough who use this forum.

Come on Peter, how about it? You will receive a warm welcome, from me at least.:)

garinda 10-08-2007 18:12

Re: Are you political?

Originally Posted by katex (Post 458639)
I think your poll was worded slightly incorrectly Garinda, as some of the replies reflect. Should have been a little clearer that you may have been talking about local elections and not National

It wasn't specifically aimed at local politics, that's the point. Lots of us on Accy Web have both criticised, and praised, local and national parties of all persuassions.

Overall I don't think there is any bias to any one party, which makes John Farrer's accusation piffle.

katex 10-08-2007 18:31

Re: Are you political?

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 458647)
Overall I don't think there is any bias to any one party, which makes John Farrer's accusation piffle.

Yes, I thought that too.

flashy 10-08-2007 19:05

Re: Are you political?
oooooooooooo rindy the piece is actually about you lol when did you write to the observer?

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