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Margaret Pilkington 20-09-2011 16:18

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 934953)
I know what you're saying, but that's just how it is.

You could,if you wish, just join to add your voice to petition groups.

You needn't do anything else.

No need to have friends/share photos/or tell us what you're having for tea.


I know people who detest Facebook, but who have done this.

You were wary of Firefox, until you tried it.


Yes, G I was...but there is a need a web actually needs facebook....and I cannot countenance joining a site that I am very wary of(because of the way it is run and some security issues).
I will voice my views on the government site....but it does somewhat dilute the message when all the dissent to a change is in different places.

Margaret Pilkington 20-09-2011 16:26

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 934959)
Facebook's no different from Accy Web, just bigger.

It's there to be used, if you want to.

Some just read it.

Some like certain things, history, photo galleries, political stuff, film and TV etc.

Some like debating in various groups, others don't.

It's a fact that it has become the most popular internet media.

It seems odd not to use it, if there's something you do want to add your support to.

Many have joined up using a pseudonym, a well as deciding that they don't want to use it to share any personal information.

Joining need not be any different from signing on to add your supporrt to other online petitions.

belonging to Accyweb is as far as I want to go in social networking.
I just don't feel comfortable joining daughter is on facebook so I have had a chance to see it in action.....and I just don't like it.......this is going to sound really daft, but I have no trust in the site.......especially after reading some of the antics that have gone on on facebook and not much seems to have been done about it......I'm talking about abusive messages on special remembrance sites....for the Welsh miners, and for young boys and girsl who have ended their own lives.
If that happened on Accyweb........I would leave.
I know we have our disagreements, but it feels like a 'family' disagreement....all families have them and you know that despite some harsh words you will still speak to each other.
Facebook might be a useful media tool, but not for me. Thanks, but No thanks!

garinda 20-09-2011 16:36

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 935026)
Yes, G I was...but there is a need a web actually needs facebook....and I cannot countenance joining a site that I am very wary of(because of the way it is run and some security issues).
I will voice my views on the government site....but it does somewhat dilute the message when all the dissent to a change is in different places.

That's fair enough.

I'm not trying to groom you, and entice you to do something against your will.


For me it just serves a purpose. That being just another and easy way to communicate.

Margaret Pilkington 20-09-2011 16:40

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 935031)
That's fair enough.

I'm not trying to groom you, and entice you to do something against your will.


For me it just serves a purpose. That being just another and easy way to communicate.

Oh G...that is funny. I don't think anyone would get me to do something against my will(and I am pretty sure you know I am strong willed and have a mind of my own).......I'm a monkey...not a sheep:D

Gordon Booth 20-09-2011 17:31

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 935031)
I'm not trying to groom you, and entice you to do something against your will.


Be careful, Margaret! He would say that,wouldn't he? Before you know it---?
Look at that smile!

jaysay 20-09-2011 17:38

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 934969)
This isn't just the normal tweaking of boundaries, that goes on because of shifting population patterns.

This shake up is one of the biggest changes to happen in parliament for a hundred years, with the number of M.P.'s being reduced from 650 to 600.

It's important we at least fight to retain this area as a constitueny in it's own right.

We'll suffer as an area if our power is divided.

I'm quite aware of that Rindi, but with it each constituency has to have 75000 electorate with a 5% leeway, which means of us to retain the name Hyndburn there has to be additions, what they are proposing is using Hyndburn as the sacrificial lamb and carving it up to add to neighbouring constituencies, we have at all cost got to change that think by putting forward our ideas on how we can retain Hyndburn by adding to the constituency instead of the one being sacrificed

Margaret Pilkington 20-09-2011 17:55

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth (Post 935037)
Be careful, Margaret! He would say that,wouldn't he? Before you know it---?
Look at that smile!

I know he likes a bit of a challenge, but I think I am one challenge too far.
He made me smile though!

garinda 20-09-2011 17:56

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 935039)
I'm quite aware of that Rindi, but with it each constituency has to have 75000 electorate with a 5% leeway, which means of us to retain the name Hyndburn there has to be additions, what they are proposing is using Hyndburn as the sacrificial lamb and carving it up to add to neighbouring constituencies, we have at all cost got to change that think by putting forward our ideas on how we can retain Hyndburn by adding to the constituency instead of the one being sacrificed

There's all sorts ot tweaking that could be done, which would leave Hyndburn as it's own consituency.

Add Padiham, lose Haslingden.

Anything other than split the area and be tagged on to Burnley, and Darwen.

All I know is that we'll suffer as an area without a dedicated consituency.

jaysay 20-09-2011 18:17

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 935045)
There's all sorts ot tweaking that could be done, which would leave Hyndburn as it's own consituency.

Add Padiham, lose Haslingden.

Anything other than split the area and be tagged on to Burnley, and Darwen.

All I know is that we'll suffer as an area without a dedicated consituency.

Hurray isn't that what I've been saying, but these proposals have to be put forward with reasons behind them

garinda 20-09-2011 18:48

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 935051)
Hurray isn't that what I've been saying, but these proposals have to be put forward with reasons behind them

That's what people are doing now.

andrewb 20-09-2011 19:17

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 934951)
The viable alternative is to keep a M.P. for Hyndburn, or at least fight to keep one.

Let other areas get split up, and tagged on to neighbouring constituencies.

I don't personally care what happens elsewhere.

I do care if we are deemed not important enough an area to warrant our own M.P.

Our historical and unique identity will be harmed, as well as the power and political leverage having a M.P. who covers the same area as the borough council, affords us.

We need to go further than telling the Boundary Commission that we have a distinct community which should remain apart of one constituency.

We can suggest which wards we want to add to Hyndburn to make it within 5% of 75,000 electors. By doing that though we have to take in wards from other proposed constituencies which has a knock on effect across the region.

I think we need to go even further and draw up alternative plans for not just our area but the surrounding areas so that it all fits numbers wise. I do think we stand a better chance if we do this rather than just telling the Commission what we want and then leaving it up to them to redistribute everything, as obviously people from other areas may then object to the way they do it.

I think it's important to not start getting political about it either. The Commission are independent; the re-drawing happens every so often to make things fairer and this time it's also partly a result of the expenses scandal.

In my opinion it's crucial that the local parties work together on this, along with their colleagues from elsewhere in the region. If we can get all parties to push in the same direction it will be a far more powerful argument.

garinda 20-09-2011 19:35

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 935069)
We need to go further than telling the Boundary Commission that we have a distinct community which should remain apart of one constituency.

We can suggest which wards we want to add to Hyndburn to make it within 5% of 75,000 electors. By doing that though we have to take in wards from other proposed constituencies which has a knock on effect across the region.

I think we need to go even further and draw up alternative plans for not just our area but the surrounding areas so that it all fits numbers wise. I do think we stand a better chance if we do this rather than just telling the Commission what we want and then leaving it up to them to redistribute everything, as obviously people from other areas may then object to the way they do it.

I think it's important to not start getting political about it either. The Commission are independent; the re-drawing happens every so often to make things fairer and this time it's also partly a result of the expenses scandal.

In my opinion it's crucial that the local parties work together on this, along with their colleagues from elsewhere in the region. If we can get all parties to push in the same direction it will be a far more powerful argument.

This could be where your life's been heading. Your destiny.

A political graduate, working in Westminster, keen interest in local government, and strong ties to your home town in Hyndburn.

Use your knowledge to help this area keeps it's own M.P.

What's heartening, despite the odd spat, is that there's more or less political unity opposing this proposal that our constituency disappears.

Tell people how best to make their views known, and what to do to help them carry more weight.

We're relying on your help.

garinda 20-09-2011 19:40

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 935069)
In my opinion it's crucial that the local parties work together on this, along with their colleagues from elsewhere in the region. If we can get all parties to push in the same direction it will be a far more powerful argument.

The only people who seem not to be pulling together, are councillors in Great Harwood.

They seem to have accepted Hyndburn as a consituency will disappear, and are trying to push themselves off to the Ribble Valley.

Great Harwood petition bid over new boundaries (From Lancashire Telegraph)

Other than that, across the political spectrum, most people are against the plan to split us, and tag us on to neighboring constituencies.

andrewb 20-09-2011 20:11

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change
You can submit comments online but you can also do it in person. The nearest Public Hearing is going to be in Preston on 24th and 25th October.

If we can come up with a unified response to the proposals then I would urge as many people as possible to register to speak at the hearing. We do need to have a solid drawn up alternative that takes into account the knock on effects though. Every constituency must total +/- 5% of 75,000.

You can register at Register interest to speak.

Retlaw 20-09-2011 20:16

Re: Parliamentary Boundary Change

Originally Posted by Gayle (Post 934993)
One crazy thing.

The population of Hyndburn is 81,500 ish.
The target for each constituency is 75,000 minus or plus 5% i.e. between 71,250 to 78,500.
If they simply took the two wards of Haslingden off and gave them back to Rossendale, surely we'd be the perfect constituency without much need for change.

It may well be 81,000 ish, but they only count the voters, not the whole.

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