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Margaret Pilkington 24-05-2013 15:20

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich
Yes, of course it does Cashy....they hate our way of life, but don't mind living off our generous benefits.
Recently Abu Qatada was complaining that his house(provided for him by the good old british tax payer) isn't big enough to house his, he has too much stuff.
Boot him and his brood out(and all the others like him - they are parasites -and that is being polite).......he can have a family life if he takes all of his dependents to Jordan where he belongs.

jaysay 24-05-2013 17:20

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1060398)
What does he mean 'his villages back home'.......if this is one of the men who committed this cold blooded atrocity......he was born at King's College Hospital....and raised here.

This killing was barbarism...and it was done to attract attention...which it duly job done, for the terrorists.
Pictures of this event should have been banned.......I'm not saying that the incident should not be reported, but it should be done in a clinical fashion with little referral to those factions who carried out this them publicity gives them notoriety...and also give other young radicalised muslim men the idea that it will be a good thing.

I wish that both of these men had been shot dead and buried in a grave containing pig entrails.
Although to be honest shooting is just too good for them...they should suffer the death of a thousand cuts.
My thoughts are with those who counted Lee Rigby as a friend, or a family member and of course his baby.

We should seriously make strong efforts to get rid of those who are plotting against this country.......all those who are on MI5's watched list should be put on a plane and shipped to Saudi..unless of course they can prove their innocence.
Saudi would welcome them, and they would be allowed to live under the Sharia law that they love so much.

I think your right Margaret, any photos and film should have been held back and the names of the two scumbags too, use national security as a reason, that way these two won't have the pleasure of sitting in a prison sell thinking they became notorious for this event, instead they'd be sat there cursing because nobody knew who had committed the offence

accyman 24-05-2013 19:06

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich
i disagree i think we should get to know about these attacks so then when people like tony blair appear on tv with a quaran held in teh air saying islam is about peace we know people like him are full of crap.

no religion is about peace they all have vile history and usually their stoopid books of faith have pretty severe punishments for not doing as the book says

i think the only faith out there that hasnt harmed anyone is the jedi faith infact they have saved teh galaxy on more than one occasion .Sayingthat they did have a skirmish with doctor who followers but there aint enough of them to make a religeon:D

DtheP47 24-05-2013 19:09

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1060379)
Now yeh probably nailed it in my view, I reckon they have "Sleepers" fer want of a better description, Who suss out the possibles, by befriending n see how it goes, Then either drop em or take a step forwards. I always think- Tell a knobhead what they want to hear n yeh gonna get a result.;)

Had a chuckle at your signature too Ol ;)
Think Abdullah al Asri who hid a bomb up his anus only to blow just himself up whil his Saudi minister target looked on in amazement.
Think Richard Reid converted to Muslim in London deperately trying to light a fuse on his shoe bomb.
Think Umar Abdullmatallab who set his underpants on fire on a flight to Detoit trying to detonate a bomb.
There's a book by Hannah Arendht called The Banality of Evil the theme being the strange relationship between idiocy and evil..

accyman 24-05-2013 19:11

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich
one of them muslims taht tried blowing up that airport in scotland ended up with a mobile phone fused into his body teh heat was so intense.

at least he now comes with unlimited texts and internet

i think the last text he sent was

OMG bom dun not go off proppa.In da burn unit lol xoxo

DtheP47 24-05-2013 19:16

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 1060435)
I think your right Margaret, any photos and film should have been held back and the names of the two scumbags too, use national security as a reason, that way these two won't have the pleasure of sitting in a prison sell thinking they became notorious for this event, instead they'd be sat there cursing because nobody knew who had committed the offence

I see it differently Jay Anybody seeing the ramblings of this deranged psycho was never going to find any justification or deranged logic. None of it made sense.
There's no danger the tape will be used as a recruiting tool in the madrassars. Instead it has hardened the outrage of thousand of Muslims.
Social media, thank God (any God) has made these voices more audible and unlike those of these two madmen, makes sense.

Margaret Pilkington 24-05-2013 19:16

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich
Because a religion has a'vile' past does not make it irrelevant.
Some people gain much comfort from having a religious faith.....and many of them will live by the moderate tenets of that faith......only extremists will interpret the faith they follow to use barbaric and murderous ways.
And we do not need to know anything about the perpetrators of this act...except what they did and that they have been caught....and it would be good to think that they would get some kind of justice(but with ECHR that is a big ask).

And I am sure that most of us on here have the brains to realise that Tony Blair only does things that will put money into his fat bank account(or that of his horse faced wife).......we KNOW he is full of fisons.

Terrorism survives on the oxygen of publicity......why do you think these two men waited around for the police to come and get them? And why do you think they encouraged people with mobile phones to record the event?
It was so that they could achieve the publicity for their evil terrorise, to stop people from going about their daily doings.
That this could happen in a street in London is a disgrace.

accyman 24-05-2013 19:17

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich
if you need a book to tell you to be nice to others and live as decent a life as possible theres something really wrong with the world
oh bollox to this i aint getting into teh god dosnt exist argument its too early and despite been discussed many times no proof has yet been provided that he does where as theres plenty of proof he dosnt

cashman 24-05-2013 19:18

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1060450)
Had a chuckle at your signature too Ol ;)
Think Abdullah al Asri who hid a bomb up his anus only to blow just himself up whil his Saudi minister target looked on in amazement.
Think Richard Reid converted to Muslim in London deperately trying to light a fuse on his shoe bomb.
Think Umar Abdullmatallab who set his underpants on fire on a flight to Detoit trying to detonate a bomb.
There's a book by Hannah Arendht called The Banality of Evil the theme being the strange relationship between idiocy and evil..

Unless i'm reading it wrong were on the same wavelength here D?

DtheP47 24-05-2013 19:25

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1060457)
Unless i'm reading it wrong were on the same wavelength here D?

Roger that MrC

Margaret Pilkington 24-05-2013 19:25

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 1060456)
if you need a book to tell you to be nice to others and live as desent a life as possible theres something really wrong with teh world

I do not need any book to tell me what is right and what is wrong....nor do I need anyone to tell me that killing is just plain wrong......or that stealing is unacceptable, but all our laws are based in religion.
Somehow being anti-religion or anti-Christian has become fashionable....and that cannot be good for society as a whole......because if you take faith out of the equation something else will fill that void....and from where I'm standing, that something else looks particularly unsavoury.
Just for the record, I am not being evangelical, or preaching any faith or doctrine.....I am just stating my point of view(other points of view are available and are just as valid).
I do not subscribe to any organised faith or political party....I follow the beat of my own drum.

Margaret Pilkington 24-05-2013 19:28

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 1060456)
oh bollox to this i aint getting into teh god dosnt exist argument its too early and despite been discussed many times no proof has yet been provided that he does where as theres plenty of proof he dosnt

Has it been proved that He doesn't exist?
Can you post me a link to the evidence?

gpick24 24-05-2013 19:52

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich
Can it be proven something doesn`t exist? It`s about belief, faith & rational thought. Has it been proven Santa doesn`t exist, or Superman. We just know as adults they don`t. In my opinion Jim Jefferies hits religion right on the head. P.S Swear Warning on video!!
God is for idiots - Jim Jefferies - YouTube

Margaret Pilkington 24-05-2013 21:01

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich
I was being 'fly' when I posed those questions. Of course it is about faith,belief in something that you cannot see.
We cannot see the waves that make up a TV picture, but because of the picture we know they exist.
Science does not have the answer to everything....and there are scientists who have belief and faith........but you have to make your own mind up about these things.

Guinness 24-05-2013 21:13

Re: Attack on soldier in woolwich

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1060450)
Had a chuckle at your signature too Ol ;)

And yet another poorly disguised attack on the posters on this thread being less intelligent then you


Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1060450)
Think Abdullah al Asri who hid a bomb up his anus only to blow just himself up whil his Saudi minister target looked on in amazement.
Think Richard Reid converted to Muslim in London deperately trying to light a fuse on his shoe bomb.
Think Umar Abdullmatallab who set his underpants on fire on a flight to Detoit trying to detonate a bomb.

You post the incompetent, so can I.. charge of the light brigade, Gallipoli and any other lions led by donkeys contretemps , I'll just post the truly dangerous..

Think Anjum Chaudry
Think Omar Bakri.....

You can denigrate the posters in this thread to your hearts content, you can suck up to your real life friends, you can click like on posts to abrogate your earlier faux pas, doesn't change the fact that you think you are somehow better than anyone who thinks that there is an inherent inequality in how certain sections of the community are treated with kid gloves through fear of being accused as a racist.

What price equality?

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