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Margaret Pilkington 09-01-2005 16:27

Re: Asian Disaster
I prefer to think of myself as a 'humanist'.......I do not use the Church for either Weddings od christenings......and when I die I would prefer not to use the Church for that either....... they can bury me in a wood somewhere if they want.......all I want to do is leave something behind that folk will remember me by.......good deeds and a good life.

Steven 11-01-2005 19:05

Re: Asian Disaster
Tsunami Poem

Mommy! A tsunami! You heard your young child say.
But when you reached to take his hand, your son was washed away.
Mommy! A tsunami! You heard his sister scream.
You tried to run, but couldnąt move. You woke. It was a dream.

For us, a figment of our minds while blanketed in bed.
But for those who were swept to sea, this nightmare left them dead.
Did panic fill their final thoughts? I pray they sensed God near.
I hope their death was swift so that they had no time to fear.

So why should we be spared such grief? Do we deserve to live?
But since we dream what others saw, can we do less than give?

For mommies robbed of babies, for husbands who lost wives,
For kids without their moms and dads, for all who have survived,
Let's give help to the homeless, let's fund the food they need,
Let's pray for people we don't know who claim a different creed.

Regardless of religion, let's act on what we see, for God is pleased when we reach out. We are one family

I thought this would be a good way of ending this thread i found it somewhere on the internet

Margaret Pilkington 11-01-2005 19:08

Re: Asian Disaster
That is a very thought provoking verse.

Sara 11-01-2005 20:09

Re: Asian Disaster
Exactly Margeret.

Smiffy16 12-01-2005 21:25

Re: Asian Disaster
I'm at Moorhead at the moment and we observed the 2 minute silence last week and have since been raising money for the Tsunami appeal.

Since then I have been trying to organise some kind of event to raise money for the people in Asia.

I have come up with a 5 a side tournament Ł5 pound a team on entry for all years and staff at our school......

Hopefully this will attract a lot of interest and raise a bit of cash for the people over there who really do need it, It might not be a lot be at least I know I have contributed and done my bit.

Acrylic-bob 14-01-2005 10:27

Re: Asian Disaster
If the person who left negative Karma for me together with the message "Do two wrongs make a right?" would like to identify themselves I would be more than happy to continue the discussion with them.

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