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Old 28-05-2021, 19:07   #61

Re: What do you find frustrating?

2 things out of my direct control (everything else I can usually suss out for myself).

I ring my GP's Surgery, fight my way through their frustrating Phone System and then left on hold. For ages. Often up to an Hour. Then try getting an appointment with the Consultant Receptionist (who seemingly knows everything).

When she has been defeated by a few a awkward questions, you start getting somewhere (after explaining I'm in a Wheelchair & can't "just pop-in for a Form to fill out").

I get to the Surgery and it's like the Marie Celeste, no phones ringing off the hook, no sounds at all, nobody there. It's quite eerie actually.

To be met not by one of the Guessers in White Costumes, by his Lackey "Practitioners" (Apprentice Guesser?). Who quickly reveals from conversation that she knows nothing about me or my "Complex" Medical situation. A massive waste of time & considerable physical effort.

All this, after the Big Fat Lie on the Phone that they are "Busy". What??? I've seen with my own two Eyes there's no-one there and you strongly appear to be doing nothing.


Bins. How hard can it be to put them back where you found them????

This really boils my blood. They often do this.

My Bins are in a specific, accessible position for a reason i.e. I'm in a Wheelchair.

Yet my Bins are often emptied and dumped back either on the Street or in a Wildly out of reach place I can't possibly get to (down a step then pushed far away). It feels as though they do it on purpose.
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Accrington Web
Old 28-05-2021, 23:26   #62

Re: What do you find frustrating?

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
anyone with a car oil filter removal tool in their toolbox can use one to loosen lids on jars.
Yeah, it's called a Screwdriver. Just punch it though and twist off the Filter.

Assuming you're not saving them intact.

A Mechanic Friend showed me this years ago. I don't know if Filter attachment has changed, stopping this. I haven't even touched a Filter in Years.

To remove Jar Lids the key is breaking the Vacuum Seal. By slight bending of the edge with
Pliers (or Whatever non-Hammer Tool you have handy like a Screwdriver. Lever tip under Lid on Finger of your gripping Hand), until you hear the Hissing Sound, or by some other means (depends how much damage you can live with).

When I was younger, I used to remove Beer Bottle-Tops with my Teeth simply by easily bending 2 or 3 of the Frills on the Cap until it just fell off.
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Old 29-05-2021, 08:18   #63
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Re: What do you find frustrating?

[QUOTE=skuta;1254274]Yeah, it's called a Screwdriver. Just punch it though and twist off the Filter.

Assuming you're not saving them intact.

A Mechanic Friend showed me this years ago.

if you have to puncture the oil filter through with a screwdriver they have been put on too tight in the first place. should be hand tight with a quarter turn only with a wrench.
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Old 10-06-2021, 10:49   #64
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Re: What do you find frustrating?

A slow burning frustration reinforced yet again. All my life I have had a desire to see an eclipse and always it has been prevented either by cloud or my being required to be indoors (with no suitable window). Today, no surprise, so much cloud you cannot even tell which part of the sky the sun is in!
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Old 11-06-2021, 08:37   #65
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Re: What do you find frustrating?

join the club. hate the sun and whenever you want to see it this always seems to happen.
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