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14-04-2011, 12:52
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Can any one help with this, its becoming a dammed nuisance.
It used to appear occasinaly when I logged on to Accy Web, now its appearing on every web site and impeding my work, having to click yes before I can proceed.
14-04-2011, 13:50
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Help
cant help sorry, all i know is i used to have much trouble wi I.E. so changed to Mozilla a few years ago, end of my troubles.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
14-04-2011, 13:57
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Re: Help
is it always "Ancestry.co.uk" that it complains about or does that change each time?
The issue is due to a problem in Javascript, you could try disabling that although some websites need it for some functionality, you will need to see if it impacts you on any particular sites you use.
14-04-2011, 14:29
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Re: Help
Originally Posted by entwisi
is it always "Ancestry.co.uk" that it complains about or does that change each time?
The issue is due to a problem in Javascript, you could try disabling that although some websites need it for some functionality, you will need to see if it impacts you on any particular sites you use.
Hi Ian.
No until today, it was mostly other websites when it occured, then to day it started on Ancestry, I tried roll back to yesterday, that didn't work, deleted explorer 8, which then brought up a message, when I logged on to Ancestry which suggested Explorer 7,
they also mentioned they were having ongoing issues with Expl 8.
Explorer 7 was as bad, so I've deleted that and gone back to Explorer 6, every thing seems ok so far.
I've tried Fire Fox and all the others, but I dont like them.
14-04-2011, 19:47
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Re: Help
what do you not like about firefox?
are you on windows vista/7 ? if so Have you tried Internet Explorer 9?
you could just disable script debugging if its annoying too much and perhaps update java
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Originally Posted by cashman
Mozilla a few years ago, end of my troubles.
amen cashman
14-04-2011, 20:15
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Re: Help
Originally Posted by Restless
what do you not like about firefox?
are you on windows vista/7 ? if so Have you tried Internet Explorer 9?
you could just disable script debugging if its annoying too much and perhaps update java
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amen cashman
I don't like them because I can't do what I'm used to doing, as you get older new fangled things become difficult to get used to, it takes about 3 days to learn a new habit, but a fortnight to forget the old one.
I'm on WinXP, I've tried Vista & Win 7, don't like them either, so I gave the computers away.
As for script debugging, please explain how, click by click, my short term memory is playing up a bit, as for this java thingy, didn't know I had it.
14-04-2011, 20:27
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Re: Help
Actually i got java and javascript mixed up... ignore that
i think its something like ->
In internet explorer
Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> check Disable script debugging
14-04-2011, 20:59
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Re: Help
Originally Posted by Restless
Actually i got java and javascript mixed up... ignore that
i think its something like ->
In internet explorer
Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> check Disable script debugging
Hi Restless
Done what you suggested, both the boxes which refer to scipt debugging already have ticks in them.
A few minutes ago I tried to post a picture on Accy Web as soon as I clicked on attachments, the dammed box came up again and wouldn't let me continue.
I also ran a search in windows explorer, in program files, and although there are over 600 fileswith the word Java in them, I cannot find a specific program called Java.
14-04-2011, 21:59
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Re: Help
sorry my mistake i got them mixed up java and javascript... they aren't the same thing
on your XP are you updated to service pack 2/3 ?
14-04-2011, 22:29
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Re: Help
Originally Posted by Restless
sorry my mistake i got them mixed up java and javascript... they aren't the same thing
on your XP are you updated to service pack 2/3 ?
Hi Restless
Yes, I bought a new copy of win-xp about two years ago.
Just clicked on attachments again to see what happens and the dammed box came up, when I clicked at the top of the screen to allow pop ups, the attachment box opened, now the line at the top says pop-ups temporarily allowed.
14-04-2011, 22:56
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Re: Help
Is this happening on more than 1 or 2 sites you visit?
here is tips on this issue.
How to troubleshoot script errors in Internet Explorer on Windows-based computers
May be worth a read. Quite a few things to try out. Perhaps you should try the deleting all temp files first rather than later(method 4) you will lose passwords etc but perhaps a temp file on pc is causing the error
14-04-2011, 23:24
I am Banned
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Re: Help
Originally Posted by Restless
Hi Restless
It happens on several sites, sometimes on Accy Web, but not on Rossonline or Blackburn.
I have a program called Fixit utilities by Avanquest, which I run quite regularly, it updates my anti virus, cleans out unescessary files & registry errors, without losing passwords, so I don't think its that,
but theres sumat up some where.
Last edited by Retlaw; 14-04-2011 at 23:29.
15-04-2011, 01:18
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Re: Help
I would upgrade your explorer.. if you don't want to the when you get the pop up just accept.. it happens but should not affect your browsing.
15-04-2011, 12:08
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Re: Help
Originally Posted by Mancie
I would upgrade your explorer.. if you don't want to the when you get the pop up just accept.. it happens but should not affect your browsing.
Thats one of the problems. I upgraded to 7, then Ancestry recommended upgrading to 8, then they came up with the message that they are having problems with explorer 8. So I went back to eplorer 7. and the dammed box still kept coming up, now I'm back on explorer 6 and the popups have stopped
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